Godly Heavenly Path: Full Level Instantly

Chapter five hundred and seventieth sigh

"Forget it, I will spare your life for now, who told you that you are one of the most important pieces in my layout."

"But it's better for you to completely forget what I saw today."

Seeing that the man hidden under the black robe fainted, the man wearing the strange mask slowly made a sound.

He doesn't trust anyone's promises.

After all, no one has ever made a mistake.

Therefore, he still directly hid the man in the black robe, and all the memories about today were erased.

Only in this way can he be relieved.

Also gave him a reason not to kill this person.

After all, this man, whose whole body is hidden under the black robe, is the most important part of his layout.

If there is a loss now, it will also be a heavy loss to his layout.

That's why he let go of a person who saw the picture of himself being humiliated.

"How powerful is that person?"

"Why can't I find any trace of this person in my long-term memory?"

After sending the man who was completely hidden under the black robe back to his place.

The man wearing the weird mask slowly considered what happened just now.

The Taoist in the white robe was really too powerful.

Strength can even be described as terrifying.

He can even feel that there is no one in the whole world who is his opponent.

Even in his heyday, he lost more than he won against this person.

But why was there no news about such a powerful existence in ancient times.

"I don't know what the purpose of this existence is?"

"Now the world is about to face a big change, and the practice world is also facing a reform."

"I don't know what this existence wants to do?"

"I hope you won't come to block my way."

After a while, the man wearing the weird mask didn't think about Lin Mu's purpose anymore.

Because he found that even if he guessed the purpose of this terrifying existence, so what?

I can still interfere with this horrible existence.

All layouts are based on the fact that both sides are at the same level.

However, once the opponent has surpassed your realm by one realm, or even surpassed several realms, then no matter what the layout is, it will have no effect on the opponent.

As I always say, oh, in the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy is a joke.

But now Lin Mu is on the side of absolute strength.

Therefore, the black-robed man wearing a strange mask can only secretly hope that this terrifying existence will not block his way.

I only dare to expect a score or two in my heart.

If he was really asked to fight Lin Mu, a terrifying existence, he would never dare.

After all, he didn't know how many years, and now he was about to see a glimmer of success.

If at this time, he goes to offend a powerful existence who doesn't know whether it is an enemy or a friend, then unless his brain is out of order.

"You must not disappoint me."

"Otherwise we have to start all over again."

"To be honest, for so many years, everyone has experienced the same thing, and every reincarnation is roughly the same as what they did in the previous life. I am a little tired of watching."

"I really don't want to continue in this position, I really want to leave soon."

"So, you must succeed!"

In a dark room.

The man wearing a strange mask sat alone in the middle of the room and said quietly.

He waited too long.

Already got a little bored.


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