The chances of him dying halfway and becoming the most powerful person in the heavens and worlds accounted for a full half of each.

It seems that apart from these two probabilities, there are no other probabilities in this person.

The fate of this person is definitely not simple.

Moreover, people with such a fate in the heavens and worlds are very rare.

There are dozens of fates for most creatures in the heavens and myriad worlds.

But like dead people, people who have no other choice but to become strong or die are very rare.

Or even say no.

The cause and effect of this person's fate is definitely not simple.

It was as if someone forcibly changed his fate.

A powerful existence that can forcibly change all the destiny of a person, Lin Mu can't afford to provoke it for the time being.

Even if he is a saint now, he is not qualified to change the fate of others.

Anyone who can change a person's fate is definitely a powerful existence above a saint.

You must know that changing the fate of any living being is also against the taboo in the will of the heavens and the world.

Will be punished by the will of the heavens and the world. Lin Mu has already seen how powerful the punishment brought down by the will of the heavens and the world is.

If it's just a saint, he still doesn't have the power to accept the punishment of the will of the heavens and the world.

At least one or two points must be able to bear the power of a saint.

Therefore, what happened to this person has a lot to do with a strong man above a saint.

So that's why Lin Mu didn't intend to have a deep friendship with him.

He still hasn't figured out which powerful existence caused the change of this person's fate.

I don't know if changing this person's fate rashly will cause dissatisfaction with that powerful being.

Although I now have support in my hand, I don't have to be afraid of the strong man above the saint, but that is not my own power.

When one's strength has not yet reached the level of a saint and a strong man, it is better not to provoke those mysterious existences rashly.

But the task assigned to him by the system, he had to complete it.

He has been in this world for nearly five years.

But within the past five years, he still hasn't found a candidate that satisfies him.

Recently, when he came to this empire built by practitioners, he found a suitable person.

Naturally, Lin Mu would not give up easily.

Moreover, the powerful existence hidden in the dark is just my own guess.

The difference in the fate of this person is just some intuition, and there is no strong evidence to prove that the fate of this person is different.

Although for the saint strong, intuition can be regarded as a kind of evidence.

But, after all, intuition is still intuition. Before there is no thorough evidence, or before the mysterious strongman hiding in the dark has not made a move, he cannot easily give up on this person.

Otherwise, it is estimated that he will have to stay in this world for nearly a hundred years before he can find a suitable person.

There are not many people in the world who are highly favored.

It is estimated that only one or two hundred years will be possible for one to appear.

If you don't seize this opportunity, it will probably take some time.

Spending so much time is undoubtedly not good for yourself.

Before he came to this world, he figured out the priority.

Cultivating a world master is just a matter of convenience.


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