Godly Heavenly Path: Full Level Instantly

Chapter Nine hundred and fiftieth: Willing to worship me as a teacher

"Fellow Daoist, you are welcome."

"Fellow Daoist, just call me Linghuai!"

After seeing the two people walking in, Patriarch Wan Ling couldn't help opening his eyes.

Seeing the two people, blood could not help showing in his eyes. He did not expect that this time the two people he saw would come together, especially the man.

You must know that this person must be the most powerful figure in the heavens and the world in the future, and even the rules of the heavens and the world will be formulated by him.

I knew this news before, but I just didn't have any way to get in touch, but I didn't expect that Lin Mu's Taoist companion was also because of the Myriad Spirit Body, which gave me a good excuse.

All spirits, in the entire heavens and worlds, except myself, I believe that no one can teach it well.

As long as this man's Taoist companion is for his disciples, then in the future changes in the heavens and worlds, his Wanling Pavilion will definitely not be affected, and he may even go one step further.

"Your name is An Yi. You are on the way. I believe that Mu Yu has already said it. You have said the current situation. I can confidently say that there is no one in the heavens and worlds who can really teach me except me." you."

"Even, I am very confident that in the future I will train you to be a strong man above a saint. You also know what a strong man above a saint represents in the heavens and myriad worlds, right? It represents absolute status, absolutely No one dares to resist the powerhouse above the saint, as long as you become the powerhouse above the saint, then you can walk sideways in the entire heavens and worlds, and no one dares to come and fight with you Say something more."

The ancestor of Wanling, also known as Linghuai, knew that he couldn't show too much enthusiasm for that man now. After all, before that, this man didn't know what kind of identity he would inherit in the future.

Therefore, she directly looked at this person whom she had taken a fancy to.

When he saw An Yi, the surprise in his eyes was that he didn't say anything, after all, this was the only person in the entire heavens and worlds that he found the same physique as himself.

Coupled with my previous experience, I am fully confident that a person with such a physique can cultivate to the level of a saint within this period of time.

As long as An Yi becomes her disciple, it means that she has joined the Wanling Pavilion. At that time, there will be two saints in the Wanling Pavilion, so that she can become the well-deserved one among the heavens and the world. The most powerful force.

Even the current Tiantian organization does not have the qualifications to compete.

"You are willing to worship me as a teacher!"

"After you accept me as your teacher, I will try my best to teach you and teach you all my previous experience. I can assure you again that in the future, within a maximum of a million years, I will be able to Let you successfully break through to the saint."

Patriarch Wan Ling smiled at An Yi.

assured her,

She is fully qualified to say such words, after all, she is now the most powerful existence in the heavens and worlds, above the saints.

Moreover, she is also the Myriad Spirit Body in the legend.

As long as she successfully taught An Yi her previous experience, she was fully confident that she would train her disciple to become a saint in the shortest possible time.


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