
Fearing that the man's face would turn blue and red, he was extremely angry now.

Unexpectedly, the saint who has been obsessed with her since the first time she saw her has a Taoist companion.

How could he accept this?

However, he didn't dare to attack him here. In comparison, this was the main hall of Wanling Pavilion, and his status in Wanling Pavilion was quite high, but he didn't have the guts to do it here.

Moreover, he didn't want to behave like this in front of the saint.

It would be bad if the saintess left a bad impression on him in her heart.

Another Lin Mu in his heart had murderous intentions.

An excellent woman like the saint can only be her own, and others are not qualified to touch her.

Among the entire heavens and myriad worlds, only I can be worthy of such an excellent saint.

And this person who jumped out of nowhere is also qualified to be with the saint.

This guy didn't know which small world he jumped out of, but it was only because of luck that the saint fell in love with him.

When the saint realizes these young talents in the heavens and worlds, especially people like herself, she will definitely forget about this country bumpkin who came out of a small world.

At that time, he should also disappear into the heavens and worlds.

At that time, the saint had already forgotten about this family in the past.

"Saint, the pavilion master asked me to inform the saint that the ceremony of apprenticeship is about to begin, please hurry to the big hall."

Thinking of this, the anger in the black-robed man's heart can't help but disappear a bit. Anyway, this fellow member, you are just a clown, you can be crushed to death at will.

"I see, you go down first, and tell the pavilion master that I will be there soon."

An Yi's tone is not very good now, she also saw the disdain in the black-robed man's tone towards Lin Mu just now.

This made her feel annoyed in her heart.

It completely wiped out the only trace of goodwill she had in her heart for this black-robed man before.

So now the tone has become a little bit unkind.

Naturally, the man in black could hear the change in tone clearly.

The trace of unkindness in his eyes became more intense again, and even the momentary murderous look in his eyes seemed to rush out of the eye sockets and become real.

This made him even more angry with Lin Mu. If it wasn't for this guy, how could the saint treat him like this?

He could still feel it before, the saint didn't have any malice towards him, but he could also feel the changes before and after now.

And all this was caused by this man who jumped out of nowhere.

This is the guy, in front of himself, in front of his own way.

This guy is just a person who popped out of a small world, how can he have the qualifications to stand with the saint, and even if he waits until the future, he is not even qualified to chase the saint's back.

Such an excellent saint, and only I have the qualifications to pursue.

In the entire heavens and worlds, only I can be worthy of her.

However, although he is extremely angry now, he dare not show it in front of An Yi.

I'm afraid that my image will become worse again.

Therefore, after hearing An Yi's words, he could only endure the anger in his heart and retreat.


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