Godly Heavenly Path: Full Level Instantly

Nine hundred and ninety first chapter count you acquaintance

"Hmph, you're acquainted."

Looking at Leng Bei's appearance in his heart, Hua Shun couldn't help but snorted coldly in his heart.

It seems that this guy is really a smart guy.

Know who can be offended and who cannot be offended.

And when you meet someone you can't afford to offend, you immediately admit that you are cowardly. This is exactly what a smart person does.

Among the heavens and myriad realms, only such people can live long.

Those people who don't have eyes and are extremely arrogant are destined to not live long in the heavens and worlds.

"I hope you can take care of yourself in the future, remember to keep your eyes open in the future, and don't offend the big shots you can't afford to offend. Those big shots are not like my master who don't care about the face of their own strong, nor are they easy to talk like me. "

In the end, after Huashun thought about it for a long time, he still didn't plan to pursue Leng Bei. After all, although he didn't take this person's identity too seriously, it was still not simple. The chief disciple of Wanling Pavilion, one of the most powerful forces.

There are also many strong people standing behind them.

And this person has already known it now, if I just sit still at this time, it will not be of any benefit to me and my master.

Simply put, Huashun planned to give Wanling Pavilion a face and not pursue it any further.

And anyway, this kid is quite sensible.

"Thank you Brother Hua for your advice. I will keep my eyes open in the future, and I will never offend those big figures that I can't afford to offend."

Although he was extremely annoyed in his heart, he could only put on a smiling face now.

As his strength and status are not as good as others.

In the end, Huashun didn't go to see him any more, and left directly.

He still has to visit his future teacher's wife now, how can he spend so much time with this guy.

"Hmph, so what about having a father who is above a saint? How about being above a saint? Sooner or later, I can reach this height."

"After I reach this level, I will make you pay for today's behavior."

Leng Bei stared coldly at Huashun's back that was about to disappear, not daring to show any anger in his eyes,

For such a strong person, the perception of the surroundings is already extremely accurate, and no slightest disturbance can escape their perception.

Once he revealed any anger, he would feel it in an instant.

Therefore, Leng Bei only dared to say this in his heart now.

Moreover, the humiliation in his heart that was suppressed by him just now jumped out again.

In his countless years of cultivation, no one has ever dared to humiliate himself so much as today, without taking himself seriously at all.

As if he was just an ant that could be crushed to death in his eyes, it was not worth mentioning at all.

Leng Bei had never suffered such humiliation, but he also knew that he would never be able to avenge this humiliation today.

It can only be in place, and he has broken through to a saint. After such a powerful state, he is qualified to seek revenge.

"I will definitely make you pay for what you did today, definitely!"

Leng Bei's fists are clenched so tightly that his nails have even pierced through his flesh.

However, he didn't feel any pain at all, all he felt was incomparable anger and humiliation.


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