Godly Heavenly Path: Full Level Instantly

Nine hundred and ninetieth chapters meet the teacher's wife

"Ayi, what's the matter?"

When Lin Mu saw An Yi coming out, he immediately greeted him.

"Everything has been settled. Master and the elders in Wanling Pavilion have confirmed my identity and have given me the token of the heir of Wanling Pavilion."

An Yi smiled at Lin Mu.

"Who is this?"

Afterwards, she asked Hua Shun suspiciously behind Lin Mu, she had never seen this person before.

"Disciple Huashun, I have seen my teacher's wife!"

Seeing this future teacher's wife asking about his background, Huashun no longer hesitated, and instantly bowed to her respectfully.

At the same time, there was a flattering smile in his eyes.

"This is my second apprentice, Hua Shun!"

"At the same time, this kid's father is Brother Hua Lan!"

Lin Mu looked at Hua Shun with a flattering look, and somehow said helplessly that this kid was playing tricks here again.

He wanted to please his future teacher's wife.

"Your Excellency Hualan's heir!"

An Yi didn't look too surprised when he heard that this was Lin Mu's disciple. After all, it is normal for a person as powerful as Lin Mu to accept two disciples, but when he heard about this guy's background After that, I was taken aback.

She didn't expect that this one would be the only heir of a saint above a strong man among the heavens and myriad worlds.

This is a big deal.

With such a father, is it still necessary to worship Lin Mu as a teacher?

However, this can also prove Lin Mu's strength from another aspect. A strong man above a dignified saint can safely let his son come to worship under Lin Mu's sect. Doesn't this mean that a The powerhouse above the saint has already recognized him.

"Hello, first time meeting!"

An Yi was only surprised for a while, and then instantly returned to her original expression.

He smiled slightly at Hua Shun.

Although Huashun is the son of a strong man above a saint, he is also his disciple now.

I can also be his elder.

"We met for the first time, and I don't have anything good to give you. These two jade bracelets are treasures that I have cherished for a long time. Maybe they are nothing in your eyes, but they also represent my best wishes."

An Yi thought for a while, and found that there was nothing to give away these things on his body. Naturally, it was impossible to give away the gifts he received today. After all, he only received them today. If he sent them out immediately , That is nothing to those strong men.

So I can only choose one of the things I had on my body before.

In the end, he could only choose two jade bracelets that looked good from his collection.

"If you are married, you can give a jade bracelet to your Taoist partner. If you are not married, you can also keep it as a token of love in the future."

An Yi originally planned to regard these two jade bracelets as his and Lin Mu's, but when he thought about it, it would be a little too much to give away such a kind after reaching Lin Mu's state.

Therefore, I can only consider sending some precious things in the future.

So I just gave away these two jade bracelets today.

It can also be regarded as a good wish from the elder to the younger generation.

"Then thank you, Master!"

But Huashun once again showed a standard flattering look, and took over in an instant.


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