Godly Heavenly Path: Full Level Instantly

Chapter 996: World Coordinates

"System, is there any other task?"

Among the vast heavens and myriad worlds.

Lin Mu was still walking alone like that, with no one around.

"Host, at your level, completing the mission is no longer of any use to you."

"The most important thing for you now is to experience the "Tao" and feel the "Tao"

"Especially go to the places that are closest to the "Tao" instead of blindly completing tasks."

"To be honest, the tasks arranged for you by this system are of little help to you now, and even after completing the tasks, they may not improve you at all."

"So, within this period of time, this system will not arrange new tasks for you."

Lin Mu, who originally thought that the system would arrange tasks for him after a while, couldn't help but be fooled when he heard what the system said.

It never occurred to him that the system would not give him a task.

Then what are you going to do?

Is it possible to travel around in the heavens and worlds, so I might as well stay in the Wanling Pavilion. If I stay there, at least I have encountered a bottleneck in my cultivation, and I can ask the ancestor of Wanling,

At least I can still be with An Yi, so why go on the journey alone like now.

"Then what am I going to do now?"

Lin Mu's face turned dark.

"Host, this system recommends that the host go to this world to take a look, maybe you can get something unexpected."

The system seemed to smile in the endless space, and then gave Lin Mu a coordinate position of the world.


Lin Mu's eyes moved, and even the system said so, then that world will definitely bring him unexpected gains.

But what can be brought, but I am a little uncertain.

However, there will definitely be no good things, otherwise the system will not let me go to that world to see.

After getting along for so many years, Lin Mu also knew that the system would never do those things without any benefit.

"It happens to be fine, so let's go and have a look, maybe, when you bring it, it will exceed my imagination?"

Lin Mu pondered for a while in his eyes, and after a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he finally decided to take a look at the world that the system mentioned. What gains have you brought to yourself.

Lin Mu didn't say anything more, and rushed towards the position of the world coordinate given to him by the system with all his strength.


"My lord, the situation is like this. I can be sure that I am very familiar with the information of seeing that person."

"But no matter how much the subordinates think about it, they just can't think of this person's information."

"This matter is definitely not simple. It stands to reason that when you reach the level of subordinates, such a situation should never happen."

"So, my subordinates, please use the mighty force to check on them, and see what's wrong with that one person."

headquarters of the organization.

Cheng Xifan knelt down on one knee in front of the man with the strange silver-white mask respectfully.

There was no hint of disrespect in his tone.

"This seat knows, but it's not that time yet."

However, what I didn't expect was that the man with the strange silver mask didn't agree.


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