Godly Martial Alchemy Emperor

Chapter 137: Practice with me

In the major forests around Cuiping Mountain, all the bandits are scattered, including the chiefs of the Zifu realm of the major cottages.

They searched every corner of the forests, every cave, and every place where they could hide their figures. They searched in a carpet-like search, not to miss or let go.

All of this was caused by Wang Yu hiding in the big forest.

The cultivators in the Purple Mansion realm who besieged Wang Yu that day were most worried about Wang Yu. They really played against Wang Yu, not the ones outside who regarded Wang Yu's strength as an exaggeration.

They really fought against Wang Yu, and they realized Wang Yu's strength firsthand, and they were worried that Wang Yu would hide, and wait until the cultivation base soared before they came to avenge them.

"It's been more than ten days. Every area of ​​Cuiping Mountain has been searched four or five times in a radius of more than 30 miles. He hasn't found his trace yet. Did he escape to a distance? It's impossible, he was seriously injured. How far can you run!"

In a certain forest, Kang Ji sighed, whispered and talked with his friends.

"Hey, do you think that kid will die? I remember that day that Lord Bai had hit more than a dozen times with his stick, plus the injuries left by other masters. It was a miracle to survive."

In addition to Kangji, the other person was also a monk in Yunzhan Cave. The two of them were the only monks in Yunzhan Cave except Zhu Gang.

The siege of Wang Yu this time caused heavy losses in Yunzhan Cave. The two of them were lucky and were not killed at the time.

They were unfortunate again, because when the two led a group of mortal warriors to search Wang Yu, they did not find that Wang Yu was already standing behind a rock not far away, and a pair of star eyes had long fallen on them.

The two cultivators of the Purple Mansion Realm did not notice, they searched and talked.

Kang Ji frowned, never letting go: "Could it be that Wang Yu is really seriously injured and dead, why can't he still be found? There is no such thing as a dangerous beast and monster like this, shouldn't it!"

Another cultivator of the Purple Mansion Realm was a little unwilling and said: "Hey, where is Wang Yu hiding? I have been looking for more than ten days, and I haven't even seen the shadow."

Kang Ji cursed: "This **** bastard, there is no sign of it. If the refining technique of Lei Zhenzi in his hand is obtained by me, then the Dongzhu will definitely reuse me."

He said that, but what he thought in his heart was that if he had obtained the refining technique of Lei Zhenzi, the cave owner should sit on him. As for Zhu Gang, it would be best to die.

Another cultivator of the Purple Mansion Realm chuckled, disdainful of Kang Ji, but didn't say anything.

He couldn't see that when Kang Ji was speaking, he couldn't help it. In fact, he also wanted to obtain the refining technique of Lei Zhenzi and replace Zhu Gang.

The two wanted to find Wang Yu early, and were afraid of Wang Yu. Whether it was Wang Yu's strength or the Lei Zhenzi in his hand, being stared at by such a person would always live in anxiety.

Kang Ji was seriously injured by Wang Yu, with vitality in his heart, and his mouth was not clean: "Even if you die, keep a few of those beads, and don't let us work in vain. You fucking, if you show up In front of me, I want to beat you so hard that your mother can't recognize it."

Another cultivator of the Purple Mansion Realm, just about to echo a few words, saw a person and a tiger appear in front of him.

"You are looking for me!"

It was just such a sentence that made Kang Ji and the cultivator of the Purple Mansion Realm change their complexions, their bodies tightened, and a sense of fear was applied to their hearts.


The other mortal warriors also pulled out the swords in their hands one by one, looking at Wang Yu tremblingly.

"You... why are you here?" Kang Ji's lips were a little sweet, and his tone was not very neat when he spoke.

Wang Yu smiled and looked at the two of them with eyes full of playful abuse: "Aren't you looking for me? I took the initiative to show up, shouldn't you be happy?"

Happy, I'm happy ass!

They cursed secretly in their hearts, but did not dare to speak out. Kang Ji suppressed the fear in his heart forcibly and asked, "What do you want?"

"Yes. We have no grievances with you, why do you want us to die?" asked another cultivator of the Purple Mansion Realm.

"Hehe, you all figured out my name, then why did I move you, can't you guess it?"

Wang Yu looked at the two with cold eyes, a bloodthirsty smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, as if he was infected by Wang Yu, and Wang Hu also looked at the two with scarlet eyes.

Kang Ji and his companions in the Purple Mansion Realm suddenly felt bad.

That day, the scene where they jointly besieged Wang Yu is vivid, and Wang Yu's toughness is even more imprinted in the hearts of the two.

If there are other cultivators in the Purple Mansion Realm, there are only two of them at present, and some dare not face it.

"Go up and up, give me up and take him down." Kang Ji roared, the mortal warrior under his hand helplessly rushed towards Wang Yu.

Looking at hundreds of mortal warriors, they flocked to Wang Yu.

The two cultivators in the Purple Mansion realm glanced at each other, and then moved back, and at the same time they took out the Cloud Piercing Arrows that had been prepared for a long time, and let them go to the sky.


The arrow sounded, and after the sky exploded, the two cultivators of the Purple Mansion Realm ran towards the rear.

Obviously, what the two people wanted was to rely on mortal warriors to hold Wang Yu, they ran away, and when others arrived, they were besieging Wang Yu together with others.

Unfortunately, they imagined too good.


When the cultivator of the Purple Mansion Realm just opened his legs and wanted to retreat, Wang Yu, who was rushed out, kicked his waist to his waist and threw his whole person into the ground.

Wang Yu stepped on the cultivator of the Purple Mansion Realm with one foot, and his true energy was nailed to the acupuncture point of the cultivator of the Purple Mansion Realm, inhibiting the movement of the opponent's true essence, making the other party unable to resist.

The cultivator of the Purple Mansion Realm was furious and extremely ashamed. He was also a cultivator of the Purple Mansion Realm anyway, and was captured by his life as soon as he met him. This was too shameful.

How come no one stopped him?

The cultivator of the Purple Mansion realm aimed at the direction of the mortal warrior, his eyes widened, and saw that among hundreds of mortal warriors, a demon tiger rushed in. The tiger was in the crowd and massacred. All mortal warriors, no one was. His enemy of one.

His tiger claws, tiger mouth and tiger tail are all lethal weapons.

"be honest."

Wang Yu directly drew a big mouth, buzzing the brain of the cultivator of the Purple Mansion Realm.

On the other side, when Kang Ji saw Wang Yu, he chased and killed his companion first. Hearing the joy in his heart, he quickly fled to the distance, trying to escape Ou.

"Don't rush away!"

Suddenly, when he heard a terrifying sound from his ear, his whole body was erected, and when he turned his head to the side, he saw Wang Yu running parallel to him, holding one of his companion’s legs in his hand. , As for the body falling to the ground, Wang Yu dragged and ran, wailing.

"It's over, it's dead." Seeing this scene, Kang Ji's heart suddenly fell to the bottom, the whole person stopped, and fell to the ground decadently.

Wang Yu sneered and threw out another cultivator of the Purple Mansion Realm, and then tapped on the two of them to seal the true essence of the Purple Mansion Realm, and only retained the cultivation of a mortal warrior for the two.

"Get up and practice with me."

Regardless of whether they agree or not, Wang Yu raised his fist and not only fell on the two of them, the two of them were anxious and stood up to resist.

...It didn't take long for the two rebels to be beaten into two paintings by Wang Yu's fistful fighting style.

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