Godly Martial Alchemy Emperor

Chapter 153: one move


A sharp long sword was nailed to the ring, and people only felt that a figure flashed before them, and another figure appeared on the ring, beside the long sword.

The visitor was dressed in a white robe, with a tender face and extraordinary temperament.

"Brother Wang Yu!" Gao Le looked at the voice appearing on the stage and shouted excitedly.

When doing other things, Gao Le wouldn't be so excited. This time, his spirit was too tight. He kept praying for Wang Yu to arrive in time. Now he laughed when he saw people appear.

"He is the Wang Yu who killed thirty-six groups of bandits? Wang Yu who killed the cultivator of the Purple Mansion realm. Just kidding!"

Someone glanced at Wang Yu and inspected Wang Yu's monks, although they did not know why, they could not see Wang Yu's cultivation.

However, when Wang Yu was waiting for the stage just now, what he revealed was true energy, not true energy.

It can basically be concluded that he is not a cultivator of the Purple Mansion Realm, but a mortal warrior, a mortal warrior and a cultivator, a person from Tiancheng County, live in a dream.

Many people who were originally skeptical of the rumors showed disappointment.

"He is Wang Yu?" Pang Tong, who appeared first among the ten seeds, looked at Wang Yu on the stage in surprise, and narrowed his eyes.

"The breath is calm, and the realm is a bit unpredictable. It seems that he has practiced a certain method of restraining breath and blocked my detection. However, looking at the true energy surrounding him, he definitely will not be a cultivator of the Purple Mansion. It is not the Purple Mansion. Then there is nothing to care about. It's a bit disappointing!"

Pang Tong raised his brows and spoke lightly. He admired Qinyuan, and he was hostile to the young master in Qinyuan's mouth. He didn't give a high evaluation of Wang Yu.

"The speed is very fast, and I came to the arena in the blink of an eye. However, the competition is not only about speed!"

Zhao Huaxin, as the name suggests, a passionate figure, naturally has no resistance to such beautiful women as Qinyuan, and has no affection for Wang Yu.

"I heard that he is a powerful and powerful weapon that can kill the cultivators of the Purple Mansion Realm, and he can destroy the cottage with the cultivators of the Purple Mansion Realm. It depends on that treasure." Jiang Xudong, among the seeded players, broke through Zi With the existence of the palace, his gaze swept over Wang Yu, and he curled his lips and said with disdain.

"That's it!" The people around suddenly realized it, no wonder mortal warriors can kill monks.

However, what kind of big-killing weapon could allow a mortal warrior to kill a monk in the Purple Mansion Realm, which aroused the curiosity of countless people.

Some people looked at Wang Yu's gaze, a little fierce, and wanted to take away the weapon.

Among the ten seeds, many people are also interested. For other seeds, Wang Yu expressed his own views. Apart from his big killer, Wang Yu himself is not optimistic.

Teacher Guo was a little surprised by Wang Yu's appearance, but she didn't care about Wang Yu's move. Someone asked her to help Wang Yu sign up. She has done it. The rest has nothing to do with her, at least she thinks so.

At the same time, Teacher Guo didn't have much interest in this student who met for the first time.

Without him, a student who missed the pool of good luck, in her eyes, lost the qualification to compete with the genius of the same class.

When the other freshmen saw Wang Yu, the scene of Wang Yu's murder that day came to mind. Nearly half of them were killed by Wang Yu at the time and collapsed, leaving a deep shadow at the time.

When I saw Wang Yu again, the shadow was gone. They entered the pool of good fortune and gained good fortune.

That kind of good fortune not only improves their cultivation, but also allows them to cleanse their bones, consolidate their true qi, and increase their skill several times.

In their eyes, Wang Yu, who had missed the Pond of Good Fortune, could no longer be at the same level as them.

Yan Chuan is also one of them.

At that time, Wang Yu left a shadow on him, allowing him to escape without a fight. After entering the academy, he always felt that others looked at him with contempt.

He had already buried his hatred for Wang Yu in his heart long ago.

After entering the pool of good fortune, his physique and cultivation level improved, and he became very eager to step on Wang Yu's feet in front of everyone one day.

Unexpectedly, this day will come so soon.

"Wang Yu, do you remember me?" Yan Chuan fiddled with the spear in his hand in the crowded square, staring directly at Wang Yu, and said coldly.

Wang Yu glanced at him and shook his head: "I don't know you. I don't know your dad either!"


The scene burst into laughter, Yan Chuan's face flushed.

"On the last day of the freshman assessment, I was one of the more than four hundred people who blocked your way." Yan Chuan said coldly, and pointed his spear at Wang Yu: "You can't think of it. The one who was scared by you back then Man, today I will pay you all the shame of that day!"

Hearing this, Wang Yu looked at Yan Chuan with that angry face and shook his head.

He has no influence on the group of people who are frightened by him, because those people are not worth making an impression on him.

"Draw your sword! I want to beat you upright and wash away the shame of the day." Yan Chuan shouted.

Wang Yu shook his head.

"Why are you scared?"

"No, to deal with you, I don't need to draw a sword."

Wang Yu's understatement made Yan Chuanqi's face flush, and he felt that he had been bullied.

"You who missed the good fortune pool, dare to be arrogant? I'm really not afraid that the wind will flash your tongue." A hint of anger flashed in Yan Chuan's eyes, stimulated by Wang Yu's words.

"Teacher, can you start?" Wang Yu really didn't want to talk nonsense, and looked at the referee instructor.

Good boy.

The referee instructor glanced at Wang Yu, who was indifferent, and nodded.

At the moment when the referee instructor nodded, Yan Chuan took a long spear and rushed towards Wang Yu with a few steps. The tip of the spear shone with sharp golden light, cutting through the void and piercing Wang Yu.

Facing Yan Chuan's shot, Wang Yu didn't move at all, watching the spear head stabbing at him faintly. In the eyes of outsiders, he seemed to be scared to move.

"I'm going to defeat you. In front of everyone, I will defeat you."

Looking at Wang Yu, who was close at hand, Yan Chuan seemed to see the hope of victory.

However, just when his spear was about to stab Wang Yu, Wang Yu suddenly moved. He moved his body tightly and slightly to avoid the opponent's spear.

Then, at an extremely fast speed. Put the back of the right hand on the thigh, from the bottom to the top, gently flutter.


The back of his hand hit Yan Chuan's face with a crisp sound, and Wang Yu's slap was so powerful that he directly knocked Yan Chuan into the air. When he landed, he was already outside the ring.


The people who originally saw the joke were dumbfounded.

"Teacher, can you make an announcement?" Wang Yu said softly, waking up the astonished referee teacher, and nodded repeatedly. "The second class of freshmen, Wang Yusheng!"

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