Godly Martial Alchemy Emperor

Chapter 293: Should I kill you?

In the main hall, when Wang Yu and other people on the Pingyuan Mountain trial list arrived, the accompanying elders also appeared.

Wang Yu glanced at the elder who was accompanying him, remembering that when he entered the main peak hall for the first time, the elder was sitting beside Elder Chu Feng.

Gao Le explained in Wang Yu's ear: "Brother, he is accompanied by the main peak elder. This elder is named Li Ankang and he is a real person in the late Nirvana period."

Wang Yu nodded. The main peak is higher than the other five peaks. The elders of the five peaks are in the middle of Nirvana, and the lowest elders of the main peak are the same as those of the five peaks, except for Mingyuexian.

"Everyone who should be here is here, and we are also going to leave." Seeing that all the disciples heading to Pingyuan Mountain were all there, Li Ankang said in a deep voice.

After that, Li Ankang led everyone out of the hall and outside the hall.

He stretched out his hand, and there was a small sailboat in his hand, which he tossed casually.

The slap-sized sailing boat was thrown into the air, and it was good in the wind. It was originally just slapped big, and within three breaths, it became a giant sailing boat, almost half the size of the main peak hall.

"Flying Lingbao!"

People including Wang Yu raised their brows. The rhyme of Taoism emitted by this sailboat has surpassed the level of magic weapons. It is a real spiritual treasure, mainly a flying treasure.

It is worthy of being the main peak elder, the treasure that he took out easily, and it is enough to make people jealous when placed outside.

Seemingly satisfied with the shock of everyone, Li Ankang smiled slightly and said: "All disciples, follow me on board!"


Wang Yu, Qinyuan, and Gao Le, the three of them jumped up and flew onto the spacecraft, while others also flew up one after another.

The entire number sixty stood on the spaceship, but it was not crowded at all.

When all the disciples flew up, Li Ankang boarded the ship and immediately drove the spacecraft to shuttle between the clouds.

On the spacecraft, Wang Yu, Qinyuan and Gao Le are in a small circle. After Qinyuan got on the ship, what came to mind, looked at Wang Yu, and whispered: "Master, where is Wang Hu?"

She clearly remembered that Wang Yu said that she wanted to take Wang Hu into the Pingyuan Mountain for trial.

Wang Yu smiled, pointed to his meson bag, and said, "That stupid tiger is inside. It's safe. I'll show it to you when I get to the plains and mountains."

Qinyuan was confused, and Gao Le was even more confused.

Who is Wang Hu first?

Hearing what Wang Yu and Qinyuan meant was also a personal thing, and he didn't seem to know it.

Furthermore, how can a big living person be put into a meson bag? Isn't it possible that meson bags cannot be loaded with goods? This is something everyone knows.

Wang Yu smiled and didn't elaborate.

After he was promoted to the primordial spirit, he sacrificed and refined the Baoding again. After refining the Lingbao-class Baoding, he discovered that there was an internal space in the Baoding.

There can be living creatures inside, and there is a little aura.

At the beginning, Wang Yu couldn't believe it, but after another thought, he was relieved a lot.

Don't think that Baoding is just a low-grade spirit treasure, but its essence is separated from the innate treasure, not comparable to ordinary spirit treasures.

It also retains some innate treasures, that is, the internal space.

If Wang Yu was collecting other scattered debris and restoring the characteristics of the treasure, the internal space might evolve into a small world.

It is not convenient for these Wang Yu to talk to Qinyuan and Gao Leming, because if they leak a little bit, they can provoke a great enemy and introduce the true **** into the lower realm.

Seeing Wang Yu smiled and didn't say anything, Gao Le didn't even hear the news, just as Wang Yu knew he had a story and didn't ask for it.

As for Qinyuan, let alone, since Wang Yu doesn't say it now, there is a reason not to say it.

The three of them are very close.

On the spacecraft, Wang Yu, Qinyuan and Gao Le talked about each other, not inviting disasters or causing trouble.

However, sometimes if you don't cause trouble, it doesn't mean that others won't trouble you.

"Are you Wang Yu?"

When Wang Yu was laughing and chatting with Qinyuan and Gao Le, an unpleasant voice sounded.

When Wang Yu looked up, he saw a young man approaching, Kuang Tianshan, the top superpower in the inner courtyard.

Seeing Kuang Tianshan walking towards Wang Yu, many people focused their attention.

Most of them were aware of the grievances between Wang Yu and the Kuang family. Seeing this, they thought it was Kuang Tianshan's finding of Wang Yu, and they all showed sympathy.

Wang Yu was very calm, and returned indifferently: "It's me."

"You killed my Kuang family? And, it's not one." Kuang Tianshan's voice was calm, and what he said was not like questioning, but wanted to tell a very common thing.

Wang Yu nodded again, with an undiminished smile on his face, looking at Kuang Tianshan calmly, without any dodge or fear.

Kuang Tianshan also looked at Wang Yu, and took a few breaths quietly.

Suddenly, Kuang Tianshan smiled: "You have the courage."

It was like admiring that Wang Yu was able to answer Kuang Tianshan straightforwardly, and it was like admiring Wang Yu's calm expression when facing him.

"Should I kill you?"


As the voice fell, Kuang Tianshan's calm complexion suddenly changed. Dark clouds were overwhelmed, and murderous intent emerged, like a sea wave toward Wang Yuyong.

The momentum of the peak of the soul, with a little oppressiveness, pressed against Wang Yu.

"Kuang Tianshan, are you going to kill the disciple in front of the elder?"

"Kuang Tianshan, you have to dare to move my brother, I will never end with you."

Qinyuan and Gao Le stood up at the same time and stood in front of Wang Yu, looking at Kuang Tianshan with cold eyes. They barely blocked Wang Yu's murderous intentions.

At the same time, the main peak elder Li Ankang's gaze also looked over, and his gaze turned around Kuang Tianshan and Wang Yu, and then he withdrew his gaze.

"Hehe, kidding, don't be so serious."

Facing the questioning of Qin Yuan and Gao Le, Kuang Tianshan suddenly withdrew his expression, as if what he said just now was really like a joke.

However, Wang Yu, Gao Le, Qinyuan, and even the others on the spacecraft did not think it was a joke.

It is not so much a joke as it is a death notice.

Tell you in front of you, I am going to kill you, when will I kill you, think about the upcoming trial of plains and mountains, and the answer will come out.

Kuang Tianshan meant to let Wang Yu live in fear.

With a faint smile, Kuang Tianshan turned and left, leaving behind an arrogant figure.

Looking at the back of Kuang Tianshan's departure, Kuang Tianshan's words rang in his ears, and Wang Yu's eyes gradually narrowed.


The spacecraft shuttled in the clouds for five days.

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Li Ankang led the disciples of the Great Master Yuanshen from Tiancheng College to the front of the plain.

Before they arrived, many people had gathered in front of the plains and mountains.

When he got off the spacecraft, Wang Yu also saw some familiar figures in the crowd. Just about to say hello, he felt a cold light looking at him from behind. He turned his head and saw the smiling face of Kuang Tianshan. As if to say, I really booked your life.

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