Godly Martial Alchemy Emperor

Chapter 343: Qinyuan crisis

"Pingyuan Mountain is open." Someone yelled.

The elders of the major forces who were waiting stood up one after another, staring at the exit closely.

Once the disciples of their own forces appear, they should go up as soon as possible to ensure that the opportunities their family members have won are not taken away by others.

Too many similar things happen.

In the plains and mountains, the worst is the treasure left by the strong in the celestial and human realm. The more advanced ones are true gods and celestial gods. Not to mention the elders in the Nirvana realm. Even some real celestial princes do not dare to say that they look down on them. thing.

Li Ankang also got up and paid attention to the entrance of the cave, but in his mind, the words of the elders of the Royal Academy were still haunting.

His secret design of Wang Yu was seen through.

This matter is neither big nor small. It was originally only involved in the small role of Wang Yu. It would be different if the prince of Qin participated in it.

Tiancheng College has people from the grand prince and the third prince.

He left the handle and was caught by the three princes. If he made a big fuss, his reputation in Tiancheng Academy would decline, threatening his future status.

Do you need to secretly take refuge in the third prince and become the traitor of the third prince who stayed under the eldest prince.

At this time, all the people in the plains and mountains walked out, one by one, and when they came out, they were all lingering fears.

When Qinyuan and Gao Le walked out of the plain mountain, they looked at Li Ankang, their brows looked bad.

Obviously, they learned from Wang Yu that Li Ankang had framed Wang Yu. They didn't look good to Li Ankang, but because he was the leader elder this time, they had to walk over.

Li Ankang was full of thoughts, did not notice the eyes of the few people, and dumbly took them to his side for protection.

Others returned to the elders of each family.

Although these people have not obtained the final treasure, they have gained more or less, and are cautious.

And when the group came out, they all took a sneak peek at the direction where the elder of Flying Eagle Sect was, and they sighed.

At the beginning, no one cared about it once or twice, but every time it came out, it had to make people pay attention to the direction of Flying Eagle Sect.

Especially the elders of the top five powers, they can not pay attention to other forces, but they have to pay attention to news of the same level forces.

Seeing so many people paying attention to the direction of the Flying Eagle Sect, the people of several big influences felt a little bit in their hearts.

They thought it was Gu Bai of the Flying Eagle Sect who had won the greatest benefit of Pingyuan Mountain this time. Their saint son (saint woman) lost to Gu Bai, and his face was a bit ugly.

Especially the elders of the Royal Academy, he has absolute confidence in his Son.

If the top pick is taken away by someone else, the Haikou that he had praised before, let him put his face down!

On the contrary, the elder of the Flying Eagle Sect laughed loudly: "Haha, it seems that this time the plain mountain trial, the last Ying family is my Flying Eagle Sect, haha!"

When Elder Flying Eagle Sect laughed, he didn't notice the strange eyes of the group of people coming out of Pingyuan Mountain.

Elder Flying Eagle Sect did not care about these weird gazes. He looked at the direction of the exit of Pingyuan Mountain with joyful gaze, waiting for the moment Gu Bai appeared to protect the person.

"Look at it, Hu Wei and Luo Ziwei have come out. They are worthy of being the saint sons and saints of the same county. They have always walked together, but they are a pair of golden boys and girls."

The saint sons and saint women of the five top powers, and the first two people who came out were all from Wuyun County.

After the two appeared, the elders of Wuyun College and Sifang City greeted them respectively. Among them, the elder of Sifang City comforted the two and said: "Don't mind. Although this trial was lost to Gu Bai, it doesn't mean that you will be able to do so. I will also lose to him, work hard to cultivate myself, and win back next time."

The outcome has been decided, and what we need to do is not to let our own arrogant be burdened.

"Haha, the road to Tianjiao, one step behind, step by step behind, trying to win once lost, it's difficult!"

As soon as the voice of the elder of Sifang City fell, the words of the elder of the Flying Eagle Sect began, with a hint of sarcasm and mockery in his tone.

Hu Wei and Luo Ziwei looked at each other when they heard the words, a little inexplicable, and were about to speak.

Ma Linglong came out with the disciples of Huaizhou College, and the elders of Huaizhou College greeted them and said some words of relief.

The elder of Flying Eagle Sect was so immortal, he ridiculed again, and caused dissatisfaction with the elders of Huaizhou College.

Ma Linglong even sneered: "I lost, but I am alive, unlike some people, who died in it, and I want to fall behind in the future. It will be difficult."


Hearing Ma Linglong's words, countless people exclaimed.

Ma Linglong is a saint of Huaizhou College. She said that someone dies, that someone is by no means an insignificant person, otherwise, how could she attract his attention.

What can make Ma Linglong's attention is the saint son and saint woman who is equivalent to him.

Today, among the top five forces, the saint sons and saints of the three families have come out, leaving Gu Bai and Ying Wudi two saints.

Gu Bai is dead? Or is it invincible?

Lenovo Ma Linglong said it under the ridicule of the elder of the Flying Eagle Sect. After thinking about the gazes of those disciples before, is it possible...

"No, it's impossible! Gu Bai won't die in this ghost place, he will definitely die invincible." Elder Flying Eagle Sect roared, unwilling to believe it.

"Fart!" The elder of the Royal Academy exploded directly.

In addition to the elders of the Royal Academy scolded, he thought of an indifferent voice: "I am invincible and have invincible resources. Whose disciple in Pingyuan Mountain can kill me?"

Everyone looked for reputation, and saw Ying Wudi, walked out, and said indifferently.

And with the appearance of Ying Wudi, who the dead son is, has been revealed.

The elders present, looking at the eyes of the elders of the Flying Eagle Sect, had already revealed a trace of abuse and ridicule. The old boy was so arrogant just now, is he still arrogant now?

At this moment, the disciples of Flying Eagle Sect also came out.

As soon as these people appeared, the elder of the Flying Eagle Sect approached and asked with a cold face. The disciples who came out of the Flying Eagle Sect alive told what happened in Pingyuan Mountain.


That's a fierce comparable to the true prince of heaven. It doesn't seem to be difficult to kill a saint son at the pinnacle of the soul?

And who is Wang Yu from Tiancheng College? Why is it so bold?

Li Ankang was also mocking the Elder Flying Eagle Sect, but now his head is already sweating.

Elder Flying Eagle Sect looked at Li Ankang, his eyes fixed on Qin Yuan, Gao Le and Wang Hu behind Li Ankang, his eyes flashing with killing intent.

"Elder Qiu, what are you going to do?" Li Ankang asked calmly.

Elder Qiu of the Flying Eagle Sect pointed to the people at Qinyuan and said, "Give them to me and I will let you go, otherwise none of you will be able to leave." The Saint Son is dead, and the elder of the Flying Eagle Sect has nothing to do Now, all he wants is to vent anger.

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