Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1077: A new world, build dreams

After they hugged for a while and comforted the wounded heart of the eldest, Li Yun asked, "Miss, you are now... the real you?"


Murong Qingyue left Li Yun’s embrace, pulled him to the window, and pointed his finger down outside the window, which was supposed to be the busy Zhonghai City, and said: “My main consciousness has come to a clear sense, so the outside is restored to reality. Me, just to escape, or to say that I don't want to believe that Li Yun has turned into an appearance that doesn't love me, and created me deliberately.

She is equivalent to my second personality. "

"Ah, second personality? Isn't that dangerous?" When it comes to personality, Li Yun doesn't think it is a good thing.

"It's just equivalent, not true."

Murong Qingyue thought for a while, then reached out to Zhonghai City, and said in a slightly bragging tone, "Look outside."


Li Yun looked down intently. At first, the street was empty. Following the words of the young lady, there were countless more people.


Li Yun took a closer look, and even though he was very high off the ground, he still saw a lot of people, not from the previous memory, but with relatively real-looking people!

Not only people, but also cars, buses, vans, bicycles and other vehicles, the roads suddenly become crowded.

Li Yun even saw the ship on the river, saw the workers on the ship unloading the cargo, and saw the huge crane on the dock starting booming...

The bustling and bustling scene of Zhonghai City suddenly recovered, and it was as real as the real world!

"Miss, you?" Li Yun looked at her in shock, and nodded affirmatively when she saw her, his surprise was even greater.

"Well, I seem to have reached the stage of dream building."

"...It really is to build a dream!"

Only at the stage of dream building can you perfectly control everything in your spiritual world and create such a real Zhonghai City.

After thinking about it, Murong Qingyue said: "The previous me, including Xing'er, were all created by my subconscious mind. My id was dragged into a cage by the spiritual attack of the gods. When you come, I will I noticed it, but I have been asleep, only my subconscious is interacting with you."

"Then what is the memory I encountered downstairs before?"

Li Yun asked without concealing that he already knew too many secrets of the eldest lady, and she would not care if she asked more.

"It's the performance of my preconsciousness."

Li Yun knew what preconsciousness was. After he came into contact with the practice of spiritual power, he deliberately read a lot of books on psychology and psychiatry.

Freud, a famous foreign psychologist, believes that the human psychological structure is composed of three levels: subconsciousness, preconsciousness, and consciousness. The subconsciousness is in the deep layer, the consciousness is on the surface, and the preconsciousness is the storage reservoir of the surface. The levels form a dynamic psychological structure, and they are always in mutual penetration, flow and change.

Freud has a very vivid metaphor. The human mind, the consciousness, is made up like an iceberg. Only a small part of it is exposed on the surface of the water, representing consciousness, while the vast majority of it buried under the water is the subconscious. Only a small part of people's words and deeds are controlled by the consciousness, and most of the others are controlled by the subconscious. The subconscious works actively, affecting the consciousness and the preconscious that occupies a small part of the water surface.

To put it more simply.

Human subconsciousness is a huge iceberg under the water, consciousness is a part of the iceberg above the water surface, and the pre-consciousness is between the two, a small part of the iceberg.

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