The big jelly monster descended from the sky, like a falling to the ground with fire loss, with the aura of destruction.

Li Yun, Sun Tianlai and others, who were the closest to the landing place, had already fled a long way in a hurry. Sun Tianlai couldn't help but cursed: "What kind of monster is this? Why did it soar to so big just after taking a bottle of nutrient solution? How can this command it to fight!"

Several elders of the Kongming faction did not answer. They took out the swallowing amoeba without authorization, and stole the nutrient solution. If Li Yun was not killed this time, they would peel off even if they were not dead.

Those who are religious can no matter what kind of pleading or face, whether they are punished is only in one thought.

Li Yun ran far away, looking back at the huge monster about to fall to the ground, his mind couldn't help simulating the situation of it falling.

The big jelly monster will definitely not be killed by itself, after all, it jumped so high on its own, and nature has never heard of a creature that jumped on flat ground and fell to death by itself.

This guy doesn't have his head on the ground. In fact, apart from his mouth and eyes, Li Yun didn't see any other organs.

Besides, this monster is so soft that it would fall apart when it landed.

Torn apart?

Li Yun thought that he would blow a jelly monster with a punch, but he could not hurt the monster at all, but let it split into countless clones.

"Jiayu, get down and hug Xiao Xi!"

At the last moment, Li Yun quickly pushed Xiao Mingxi into Xiao Jiayu's arms, and at the same time flew to the front, shouting: "Liu Li, stop."


Jin Liuli paused for a moment, and then only felt her waist Li Yun stopped from behind. She became stiff. Before she could react, she was taken to the ground by him, and her whole body was pressed under him.

"What do you want to do, you big horn...wolf."


The sky shook for a while, and the huge jelly monster fell from the sky and slammed into Chenqiao Village in the middle.

A thunderous sound, with a swift tumbling air wave, with the big jelly monster as the center, a huge circle spread quickly.

In the high-altitude view of Captain Gu and the three of them, the big jelly monster burst open when it touched the ground, killing all the others around it in an instant. Its huge body was squeezed into a pancake by gravity, as if it was full. The filled balloon exploded, and the entire Chenqiao Village was wiped out with one blow.

Immediately afterwards, the blue liquid and flesh on the big jelly monster splashed all around, falling to the ground and the forest in the distance.

The strong corrosive liquid burns the ground into pieces of black residue. If the big jelly monster that fell to the ground just now is likened to a meteorite, then these scattered corrosive liquids are small fireballs, even the traces of melting are So like.

But the scattered meatballs changed after they landed and turned into little jelly monsters, thousands of which are countless, like an army of monkeys plucked out by Sun Dasheng.

Jin Liuli hid in Li Yun’s arms, and a familiar and good-smelling strong masculine aura came to her face. She was not unfamiliar with Li Yun’s aura. She was held in Li Yun’s arms and played wantonly in the last week. Over.

At the thought of last Saturday, Jin Liuli's cheeks couldn't help but get hot, her body became weird, a strange feeling of numbness came from the bottom of her heart, making her feel both uncomfortable and inexplicable comfort. It was like hiding in a warm blanket in the winter, making her just want to close her eyes and enjoy this feeling.

"Li Yun..."

After being hugged by him, it seemed as if she had turned on a strange switch on Jin Liuli's body, which made her unable to help her lips lightly open, her thin lips moved, as if she was inviting a man next to her to kiss her.

Jin Liuli originally felt incredible about the kiss between men and women, but after being kissed by Li Yun last week, she became a little expectant for this kind of thing.

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