Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1400: Real ancient monsoon


Captain Gu picked up the book on the table, opened it, and couldn't help but let out an exclamation, making Xiao Jiayu come back to his senses, leaving his embrace with a blushing face.

"Let's go in and take a look."

"Aren't you afraid?" Li Yun smiled.

"...Isn't you there?"

Xiao Jiayu turned his head and smiled brightly at him.

"Li Yun come and see!" Captain Gu urged.

"what is the matter?"

"This corpse turned out to be the real ancient season rain!!"

"Gu Jiyu?!!!"

Li Yun and Xiao Jiayu were shocked and quickly went forward to read the book with Captain Gu.


"It turned out that it turned out to be like this."

After the three of them read it, they understood the whole story.

This book was left by the clone who killed the real Gu Jiyu. His experiment number is 0914.

Thirty or forty years ago, Gu Jiyu obtained a lot of technology from the Swordsman League. After building this laboratory, he couldn't wait to start cloning his own plan.

This is also what the people of the Swordsman League told him: through cloning, immortality can be achieved.

However, the people in the Menghui did not give him the method to transfer the consciousness of the clone, so Gu Jiyu could only explore it himself.

In the end, after ten years of hard work and after nearly a thousand failures, 0914, 15 mature clones of the ancient monsoon were born.

The memories of 0914 and these clones are completely inherited from the ancient season rain at that time, and they have the same desire: immortality.

Driven by this desire, 16 clones and Gu Jiyu began a long experiment on immortality.

In the first year, everything was okay. They took turns to reunite with Gu Jiyu's family and share all the secrets, while the rest continued to work.

After another year, the situation slowly changed, and some different opinions began to emerge. The ancient monsoon and the clone, the clone and the clone had doubts and contradictions.

The most acute contradiction is: Why does the ancient season rain spend more time outside than other clones?

Gu Jiyu's reason is: He is the ontology, and other clones naturally listen to him.

He is in charge of everything about the clone.

At that time, Gu Jiyu had mid-innate strength, and the clones had just been born. Even if there was a potion from the Alliance, the strength was only between acquired and pseudo-innate.

Therefore, under Gu Jiyu's persuasion and high pressure, the clones had to give in.

Here, 0914 wrote: "Gu Jiyu told us that he is us and we are him, but why did he not let me approach his wife? I also have my wife Yu Qianhua in my memory, and Warm memories of my family, why can’t I approach my family? I’m not Gu Jiyu? Who am I?”

The seeds of resistance have been planted, and it quickly developed to the point of irreconcilability.

It took only half a year for Gu Jiyu to ban the clones from approaching his family at the beginning to completely ban the clones from leaving the laboratory.

The contradiction between the two sides has intensified completely.

In the next ten years, none of the clones left this underground laboratory for half a step. They were studying the mystery of immortality for the ancient monsoon day and night.

The only hope is that Gu Jiyu promised them that after immortality, all clones can leave here and live what they want.

0914 wrote: "During that ten years, more than a dozen of our clones experienced a journey from painful disappointment to insensitivity. Some people began to believe that they were ancient monsoon rains, but as time progressed, they became more They became indifferent to who they were, resisted the memory of the ancient monsoon in their minds, and became increasingly weird and difficult to get along with, and their hearts had been completely distorted.

After committing suicide in 0914, those of us realized that we can't go on like this, we have to leave here! "

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