Li Yun, Wang Mengyan, and Liu Peng looked at her dumbfounded!

"Who did you learn from?" Li Yun asked dubiously.


Yu Mei'er said frankly: "In addition to teaching me swordsmanship, my mother-in-law also taught me a lot of inner house skills. If you dare to treat me badly, see if I don't have to deal with you with the ten skills of the imperial husband, hum~"

"alright, alright."

Li Yun hurriedly interrupted her, "You still don't understand anything now. After Mengyan teaches you the common sense of life, let's talk about this. Now, let's go shopping and buy you some things."

"You don't understand!"

Yu Mei'er took a look at Li Yun with a bit of resentment, but didn't object to his decision to buy her something. Instead, she got into the car again with some happiness.

Li Yun drove to the commercial street of Zhennan City, the provincial capital of Zhennan Province.

It is countless times more prosperous than Xining Town. The crowds like crucian carp crossing the river, the high-rise buildings standing above the earth, and the feasting scenes completely shocked Yu Meier, a soil bun.

She was sitting in the passenger seat, staring wide-eyed and staring out the window unblinkingly, as if she was an innocent baby with great curiosity, seeing the world for the first time.

Li Yun was amused secretly in his heart, but he was happy for her. Although he has only seen a modern city now, it is better than staying in the mountains all his life.

He drove into the underground parking lot, parked, and greeted them to come out.

Yu Mei'er got out of the car and stood up straight and looked left and right. Li Yun was suspicious that she wanted to ask where it was, but she suddenly said, "Huh? This cave is so wide!"

"Cave? Hahaha!"

The three of them all laughed, making Yu Mei'er very angry and glaring at Li Yun.

Wang Mengyan smiled and said, "Sister Meier, this is not a cave, but, um, an underground parking lot!"

"Isn't it a cave?" Yu Mei'er was not convinced, pointing to the surroundings and said: "You look so dark, and it's still underground."

"But the cave... No, it's for parking."

"Yeah, the cave in my house is used for book collection. This cave is used for parking."

"But this is not formed naturally!"

"The one in my house was not formed naturally, it was dug up by the seniors."

Yu Mei'er was plausible, Wang Mengyan was speechless, and finally Li Yun made a final word, saying: "There are no mountains here, so it's not a cave! Let's go and get out."

"That's a hole in the ground." Yu Mei'er followed, still saying so.

"Soil buns."

Next, a woman dressed as a noblewoman who came out at the same time with Li Yun and others said something contemptuously.

Li Yun glanced at her a little bit. This lady didn't know whether she was fifty or sixty. She was brand-named all over, her lips were bright red, and her face was covered with hyaluronic acid concave @ convex marks, but wrinkles could still be seen vaguely. .

Seeing Li Yun look over, she glared at him with her face wearing fashionable sunglasses and said, "What are you looking at? I'm not interested in your little white face!"

Li Yun smiled faintly, "I have no interest in you, grandma, either."

He didn't want to provoke this aunt, but she kept yelling beside her, she couldn't even say anything.

"What are you talking about? Who is grandma? Open your dog's eyes and see clearly!"

Grandma Gui wanted to rush over to give Li Yun a moment, but the two assistants around her quickly grabbed her and persuaded her away.

"Huh, Xiao Bailian is also worthy of driving that kind of car, and I don't know if it's covered!"

Before leaving, your grandma still cursed angrily.

Li Yun and Wang Mengyan looked at each other and shrugged to express helplessness. There are such people everywhere.

A few people walked out, and Yu Mei'er suddenly said, "Hey? I forgot to ask her what the local buns mean, are they the local specialty buns?"

"...Look at yourself, you will know what a soil bun is."


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