Li Yun was silent, and Xiao Jiayu's heart also fell silent.

He did not answer, but Xiao Jiayu had already got the answer.

The afterglow of the setting sun shone on Xiao Jiayu's beautiful face, and the sad drops of water reflected a little bit of light, and under the action of gravity, the light dripped on the ground.

"Ha, I'm such a fool, we are good friends, of course you like me!"

With a whimper in Xiao Jiayu's tone, she stood up and walked to the balcony, facing Li Yun with her back to the sky in the distance.

"Kayu, I don't want to deceive you."

Li Yun's voice appeared hoarse, "I don't know how to say it, but the eldest lady... Jiayu, you are stronger and more optimistic than her."


Xiao Jiayu turned around and said loudly, "Is my strength wrong? You just gave up on me!"

Li Yun looked into her eyes, and it really was full of tears.

"Kayu, I..."

Li Yun stretched out his hand to comfort her like wiping away Miss Murong's tears in the afternoon, but his hand stopped in the air. What identity should he use to face her.


Xiao Jiayu cried and took Li Yun's hand and put it on her delicate face, "We are good friends, don't you dare to comfort me when I cry!"


Li Yun helped her wipe away the tears with one hand, feeling her sad and sad mood, and Li Yun's heart also became sad.

This is not the first time Li Yun saw Xiao Jiayu cry. She had cried when she was worried about her sister's condition.

But the previous time was far less shocking than this one.

It turns out that Jiayu is not such a strong person, she is just a fragile little girl in front of him.

Xiao Jiayu's eyes were full of watery tears, but she still stared at Li Yun's eyes and asked: "I ask you, do you like me or not, answer in your own heart, don't consider Miss Murong!"


This time, Li Yun's answer was equally straightforward.

Xiao Jiayu was originally the type that Li Yun liked, and it was natural for him to like her.


Xiao Jiayu feels much better, but...

"If Miss Murong and I let you choose, you must choose her, right?"

But it happened that Murong Qingyue lay between the two, making Xiao Jiayu feel like a throat, very uncomfortable!

Li Yun smiled bitterly, "Jiayu, you and she are both very good girls. I dare not say arrogantly about who to choose."

"Then now, I will let you choose, I want Miss Murong, she...!"

Xiao Jiayu originally wanted to say that Miss Murong was also chosen by Li Yun, but when he thought of Li Yun's performance just now, he couldn't help but feel discouraged.

"You must choose her, huh!"

Xiao Jiayu was sulking herself, why did she have to like a man who liked other girls!

She Xiao Jiayu is not humble enough to need alms from others!

Li Yun was silent. If Xiao Jiayu hadn't had him, he would come out of this relationship after a while, and would have a very happy life in the future.

But Miss Murong, Li Yun really doubted that she would ever meet someone who would make her talk more.

He is not the boyfriend of the eldest lady now, and he dare not say that he will meet another man who can make her feel tempted.

"Jiayu, you will meet someone better than me!"


Xiao Jiayu coldly snorted again, but couldn't help but whispered: "If I were not such a strong girl, would you choose me?"

She still broke her promise. Isn't her current performance just so humble that she needs Li Yun's charity?

"That Xiao Jiayu is Xiao Jiayu?"

Li Yun originally wanted to end the topic, but Xiao Jiayu was silent.

After a long time, she faintly said, "Li Yun, maybe I'm really not that strong..."

The thought of Li Yun holding other girls in the future made her feel confused, without the optimism and confidence of the past.

After confirming that Li Yun chose Murong Qingyue, Xiao Jiayu's heart was empty, as if there was no hope in life.

Until now, she could not feel how much weight Li Yun had in her heart.

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