Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 766: Strong artificial intelligence

After Li Yun finished speaking, there was enthusiastic applause in the venue again, even more enthusiastic than before. Many people even stood up and applauded desperately, tears filled their eyes moved by Li Yun's words.

They never knew that what the original company developed would have such an important role in the future.

The applause stopped for a while, and Li Yun continued: "I have talked with the eldest lady and Xiao Jiayu and other major shareholders. We decided to join the Zhonghai Investment and Development Committee to invest again in the artificial intelligence company with an amount of 100 billion yuan."

Everyone was breathing quickly, and it seemed that the state really trusted Li Yun, otherwise there would not be such a large amount of investment.

Li Yun looked at Wu Enguo: "Mr. Wu Enguo is responsible for using the funds, and Lu Ming is responsible for assisting in supervision."

"Yes, I promise to complete the task."

Both of them stood up and replied solemnly. The Yuyue Company is now like a military factory. Although it does not actually produce weapons, it produces things that are more powerful than most weapons.

The meeting started very quickly, and Li Yun once again emphasized that if an employee resigns, then HR will immediately let it go, and there is no need to retain too much.

After the meeting, Li Ming had a meeting with several presidents.

Looking at Li Yun, Sister Fang smiled slightly, and said: "In fact, most of the employees did not intend to leave. I collected the opinions of some people. They all said that the world will not know what will become in the future, so they all I want to stay in Sanshuiyue and Yuyue groups."

"After all, our two companies have presidents who can conquer monsters. In the future, if the world is really going to be the end of the world, you can hold your thighs.

Lu Ming joked, and everyone laughed.

Li Yun smiled and said: "Now the gods, that is, the power organization behind these monsters, they still dare not show up. This is our good news."

Everyone nodded, and Li Ming took out a CD and handed it to Wu Enguo, saying, "This is a strong artificial intelligence programming framework. You take it, and you will develop it according to the information in the future."

"Strong artificial intelligence programming architecture?!!!"

Both Wu Enguo and Lu Ming's eyes widened, and even Xiao Jiman, the professor of optics and materials, and the president of the holographic technology branch could not help but exclaim, "Li Yun, where did you get this thing? It was from God. Did you teach it there?!"

Artificial intelligence is divided according to ability and can be roughly divided into three stages, weak artificial intelligence, strong artificial intelligence, and super artificial intelligence.

Weak: The current technological progress is worse than that of human beings.

Strong: It can perform operations such as thinking, planning, problem-solving, abstract thinking, understanding complex ideas, fast learning, and learning from experience. It can do everything humans can do, and it is countless times more than humans in terms of logical operations and memory.

Super: God, everything about it is beyond the scope of human comprehension.

The realization of strong artificial intelligence is definitely an unprecedented breakthrough that can bring earth-shaking changes to the world. It is no less revolutionary than the agricultural revolution and industrial revolution in history! !

No wonder the three scientists were so shocked.


Li Yun was quite embarrassed, "Just take it as it is, I can't say it clearly."

Several people nodded clearly. After the gods appeared, even the flying dragon appeared, and this kind of thing seemed to become less conspicuous.

Li Ming thought this kind of scene was absurd. Originally, he had been worried that taking out these things would cause panic in the world.

Unexpectedly, the emergence of the gods makes the things given by the system more reasonable.

Perhaps, in the near future, Li Yun will not cause any trouble even if he comes up with something more magical.

At that time, you can confess everything to the lady.

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