Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1301: The reputation of the college cannot be detrimental

[The big chapter is niko dragon less plus, thank you for the little red envelope of Long Shao]

"It is like this." Meng Meng said.

Suddenly, she felt that the dean of the division seemed to be really dealing with things.

"I actually have a question here."

As a result, the Dean directly came to the sentence: "Each department, the credits for the new students, the basic score is two thousand credits, in fact, the 1,500 credits are similar, and the other five thousand and ninety in order to reward outstanding students, Director Flack Even if you give a reward, you should not say the excess of 2,500 percent? Now I have a lot of doubts, Director Flack, do you have anything to say?"


Many eyes were on the scene and looked at Flack.

He never refutes, his look is light and pale, and his eyes are a bit stunned, and some want to laugh.

At this time, I heard the words of the dean, and Flack had some innocent tone:

"The dean is right. I know that the credits I have arranged are two thousand points. Can I still send out two thousand five hundred credits, is it just for four people? It seems that unless I become Can you make a fool?"

Said, Flack shook his head and sighed:

"Our Tianluo College has always belonged to the upper level in Tianlongxing Province, but we also have some hostile forces. They often do things against the college, especially our alchemy branch, so what happens now, I also Some confused, I am recruiting who is provoked? Or what kind of power cake, let them send a few new students to humiliate my reputation."

Flack’s words are full of emotions and acting.

A few people who listened to Meng Meng were a little dazed.

Many students have also begun to talk about it:

"It turned out to be the case."

"The truth is that many forces do not deal with it, and often make horrible things. They come out a few times and humiliate the director's reputation. The biggest punishment is nothing more than being dropped out of school. People are hard to measure."

"It looks pretty, but it is that kind of person."


Many students have issued accusations of accusations, and some of them have served as people who eat melons.

There are also a few people who want to talk and stop. They do see a few people who are sprouting and follow the director.

They are now also in a state of suspicion.

At this time, Flack said;

"I have been to the venue several times, but I have actually called them, but it seems that with my Dandao swearing, there is no need to go to find a few new students in person. As for the specifics of this matter, or the parties said, Chen Diran."


Chen Diran was still intoxicated with the performance of Flack in the back, suddenly called, awakened.

He stepped on the stage.

"You said what is going on," said Flack.

"it is good."

Chen Diran felt that his face was a little stiff, and the road in this respect was too shallow. He sank and said:

"I am the patrol officer of the venue. Chen Diran of the second grade. I am in charge of a region. The main thing is to take care of discipline. At the time of the inspection, many people were talking in the ear, not taking alchemy, not Focusing on it is very easy to fry. In order to reduce the loss of the college, I will remind them, but they are a few, but the most exaggerated, unscrupulous chat, hey, I went up and reminded three times, but they not only did not listen And even mocked me."

Speaking of this, Chen Diran suddenly sighed: "Thinking of new students, I don't want to say too much, but when I reminded me once again, I think what they said is simply an insult, just when the director came to the venue. Patrol, I have no choice but to report the matter to the director. The director is also very kind. The new student, who came to the first place, can forgive, but does not respect the seniors and ignore discipline, so the director decided to talk to them personally, we went directly to the building. In the middle, I talked for a while."

"French Director did not punish them, and even found out that their alchemy was not bad, rewarding 125 credits and three 63 credits respectively."

"As for Dan, sorry, I have never heard of it."

"There are still two thousand and five hundred credits. I feel so exaggerated. It also confirms the words of the director. The enemy's moves are often unimaginable, but their understanding is still too small. Just say two thousand five. Hundreds of credits, this has already explained everything."

After Chen Diran finished, he shrugged his shoulders and expressed his true truth and the innocence of the director.

"Good face!"

"There was actually a college to deal with the director."

"Hey, they are too young, thinking that this means they can defeat the director?"

Many students couldn't help but sigh.

A variety of arguments, so that Meng Meng several people face white.

I did not expect such a picture.

"This is what you forced me."

Filina looked fierce and began recording video with her smart bracelet.

At this time, standing on the stage, the five people beside Mr. Flack went forward two steps, each opening:

"Say! Who are you guys sent in? Who wants to deal with my Dan College, it's too young."

"This kind of inferior means is also good to use it out? It is not too shameful, your actions are to lose sight!"

"Can director Flack grab your Danish? What joke? In the province of Tianlongxing, how much is Dan Dao's rumor higher than Flach?"


"Ah!" Meng Meng shouted, it really can't stand the current scene.

"Your ugly face!"

"Why are you so bad!"

Meng Meng breathe short, obviously wronged, but she does not want to shed tears.

"It was my Dan!"

Meng Meng remembered one thing, and looked at the dean, reluctantly, saying: "I still have two versions of Huayuan Danfang, one to improve the success rate, one is the second-order Huayuan Dan!"

In this sentence, Flack’s look is fretting, and the darkness in his heart is not good.

The dean is always silent.

After hearing the words at this time, he thought about it:

"Dan Fang can say it, Hua Yuan Dan, is announced, so let me verify."

“Why do you say it directly?” Nina heard the words and said: “I can’t say that the Flack did not hear it? This Dan Fang, we have to say it to you alone. After the single, let Flack read it out personally. Who is it? Dirty, stinking, the truth will be white!"

Flack's pupils were miniature, and the fire in his eyes was getting bigger and bigger. It seemed to be so big that he couldn't control it.

"Well, let's talk before you go on stage." The dean nodded.

Meng Meng several people walked over again, and Filina waved her hand to make a soundproof cover.

Just listen to Meng Meng said:

"Hua Yuandan, in the middle of the fire leaf and Yongqingcao, add a second-order medicinal herb water blue, and initially added two second-order medicinal herbs, called grass carp, which became the second-order Huayuan Dan, which can enhance the medicinal herbs. The probability of quality, easy to refine the Chinese medicine, the upper medicinal herbs, the first-order Huayuan Dan, adding a water orchid between the fire leaf and the Yongqing grass, is a very stable Dan Fang, I told Flack that it will be Ming The flower is broken, the easiest way!"


Upon hearing this, the dean of the division could no longer maintain a calm attitude and his eyes were slightly condensed. He said:

"You first..."

Oh, la la la.

Filin waved her hand to the soundproof cover.

This made the dean's face slightly stiff, and he sighed slightly.

"Come on, Director Flack, we have already told the Dean that the two Huayuan Dan's Dan Fang, since you said that Hua Yuan Dan is yours, then you can tell it directly!"


Flack's face changed.

His teeth were almost bitten.

The heart is panic and angry.

He was silent and was thinking about countermeasures.

However, where is the countermeasure?

At this moment, even Chen Diran felt that his heart was cold.

Is the director going to lose?


Suddenly, a department head next to Flack screamed: "I think you just want to swindle Dan from Frak, this is the purpose of your coming to Tianluo College!"

Flack reacted instantaneously, and he whispered, "Say! Who sent you?"


Meng Meng, Nina, Farina, Yue Xiao, feel the brain screaming.

Don't be horrible!

Sure enough, the sentence is correct, people are shameless, the world is invincible!

"Oh, Danfang, we have already told the dean." Nina sneered: "The dean is here, listen to what he said, what are you screaming? Is it panic? I think you are afraid!"

"Yes! What do you hear from the Dean!" Yue Xiao shouted.

At this time, some students also said: "Yes, why don't you listen to the dean?"

Frac's faces are hard to look at.

Everyone feels weird. In the speech, you can clearly hear that someone is saying:

“Is the director of Tianluo College also a morally corrupt person?”

"Let the dean say! I believe that several of their new students are innocent!"

"Maybe it is the problem of the head of the department!"

There are a few people in the crowd who scream the loudest voice, that is, Ling Duo Duo, Chu Chang'an several people.

They know that Meng Meng is a member of Zhang Han and his heart is naturally facing them.

At this time, not far from the side, several teachers and department heads who have remained silent and have little relationship with Flack, one of the department heads opened:

"People are not sages, can you have nothing? Tianluo College should maintain a fair and just virtue, and everyone should be quiet. This matter is handled by our dean."

A few of them can be seen, and Flack is definitely a bit tricky.

However, the dean of the branch was slightly wrinkled at this time, his look was slightly annoyed, but he was hesitating.

Half-sounding, he suddenly sighed:

"This is the end of the matter, Director Flack, you said, what is Dan."

"Dean, how can you believe in a few new students who are suspected of being enemies?" Flack changed his face.

Where does he know what Huayuan Dan has another Dan Fang.

At this time, my heart is full of fear, and if the reputation is corrupt, his future is over!

The eyes of a few people, with anger, looked at Flack.

One second, two seconds...

Five seconds later, they saw that Flack’s cold sweat was flowing down.

But the tenth second.

The voices of the dean were suddenly heard from the ears of several of them:

"Sorry, the reputation of the college can't be detrimental. I will deal with it seriously afterwards and give you a fair answer, but not now."


When I heard this sentence, a few people were in the cold.

There has always been a saying that it is said to lose the car and protect the handsome.

At the moment, the dean of the school gave up a few of them for the reputation of the college?

Or is it true that the dean is pure and has a good relationship with Flack?

I will give a fair reply afterwards. Is this treatment fair?

Looking at Flack again, I saw him leaking a smirk.

Waiting for another two seconds, he sighed heavily:

"But it, nothing, the other two Dan Fang, I will also tell you."

"When I was studying Hua Yuandan, there were four methods, except one that I handed over, and one that improved the success rate. The other two were in the middle of the fire leaf and the evergreen grass. Lingcao Shuilan, the first to add two second-order medicinal herbs, named grass carp, became the second-order Huayuandan, which can improve the quality probability of medicinal herbs, and it is easy to refine the Chinese medicine, the upper medicinal herbs, the first-order hua Yuan Dan, adding a water orchid between the fire leaf and the Yongqing grass, is a very stable Dan Fang. I told Flack that it is the easiest way to shatter the Ming Yehua!"

He said, and Meng Meng told the dean, the word is not bad!


A few of them sprouted, they couldn’t believe it.

Even the dean, this is the case!

"The other two kinds of Danfang are more precious. I am going to announce it at the right time, but I never thought that I just took them to a place where I used alchemy. Danfang was stolen. Maybe you don't understand this. The value of the two Danfangs, perhaps you have already told Danfang the power behind you, and then ruined my reputation, but your behavior has already violated my bottom line."

"We must severely punish and not lend!"

"Our Tianluo College will never tolerate such behavior."

Several of Flack’s friends shouted.

"Why are you telling him? Why are you deceiving?"

Some cute and unbelievable look at the dean.

At this time, the dean shook his head slightly:

"Come, come with them first, then I will handle them personally."


As soon as the voice fell, Chen Diran immediately flew up from behind.

He smiled.

The voice told a few people about Meng Meng: I want to play with us, I am really looking for death!

In front of everyone, he said very gently: "Several people, please take a trip with me, then the dean will handle this matter."



Under the anger and anger, play a white giant fireball.

Yue Xiaofan, Nina, Farina, have made moves.

For a time, Chen Diran was very close to the distance, and several defensive layers were broken.


Chen Diran the whole person flew away.

"You dare!"

Froc can no longer restrain the anger in his heart, and he is angry with his shots. He comes from the peak of the gods, the huge power gap, and countless spiritual powers into palms, which are shot from top to bottom.

"Don't do it." The dean's pupil was miniature, and he immediately showed his moves, a stream of water, to block the attack of Flack.

But his reaction was slower after all, and it could be said that Frack, who had been planning for a long time, had no time for him to respond.


Many of the students present were shocked.

The department head personally shot!


Ling Duo screamed.

Chu Chang'an and other people's faces changed greatly.

Many front-line students, panic back.

It seems that in the minds of everyone, the girls, the next second, will be seriously injured.

However, the scene that took place made everyone in the audience stunned.


Meng Meng right hand to explore.

La la la, more than a dozen energy defenses, will surround several people.

Several kinds of sixth-order defense Lingbao.

Drifting around the sprouting body.

Her eyes are lingering with a white flame.

Flack's attack, only breaking the outermost defensive circle, was wiped out.

"Six-order defense Lingbao?"

"A dozen kinds of six orders!"

"God, who are they?"

Many people are shocked.

The sixth-order defense Lingbao, even in the province of Tianlongxing, is also of high value and is not affordable to ordinary people.

"What do you rely on!" Meng Meng anger asked.

At this time, Filina pressed the button of the smart bracelet, sent a video message, and said: "Zhang Shu, we were bullied, we were bullied."

Yue Xiaoyun saw the situation and put down the communicator.

She also just wanted to call Yue Wuwei.

"Since you can't preside over justice, then make a fair deal!" Nina said coldly.


This scene makes the many tutors on the stone platform, the department head, and even the dean, somewhat embarrassed.

A dozen six-level defense Lingbao.

This has already shown that their identity is very unusual.


Whoever thought that Flack was not flustered, he slowly said: "From the sea dragon star field, I can also come up with more than a dozen six-level defense Lingbao."

"Looking down from the sea dragon star field?" Nina whispered: "I hope that when we are grown, you can still keep your face."

"Ha ha ha ha ha."

Flack suddenly laughed: "No matter who it is, in this world, after all, it is necessary to make sense. Dan Fang is mine. Even the dean is in the eyes. Under the witness of everyone, you want to make a mistake. It is not enough. grid."

The next moment, Flack said the atmosphere is stunned: "I don't care who your patrons are, even if you are big, you can't do anything at Tianluo College!"

“Yes!” Chen Diran said: “You want to make trouble, now you are willing, but you have to bear the price, no matter who comes, it is the same!”

A few of Flack’s friends, the five others, looked at each other.

From the star field.

If you are not a big force in the province, you don't have to worry.

After thinking about it, several people also echoed:

"Fairness is self-sufficient, a few of you, it seems that humans and animals are harmless, but in fact, the mind is complicated, and you want to confuse others. But everyone in the field is not a fool, and you are right and wrong. After all, you are turning the right and wrong. The head, no matter who you are looking for, will not help."

“Yes, Tianluo College is a reasonable place after all.”

"The dean is also here. He looks at the whole process. What are you doing? I think everyone can be clear. If you don't say anything else, you are called the elders. It is a felony to steal someone else."

In the face of these words, the head of the division has some scalp tingling.


How can it be done like this, and it will be badly heard by the mountain director.

The key mistake is the head of the department, Flack.

He can understand it now, and the little girls in front of me are all true.

This is the end of the matter, a few people in Flack, and no return to the road, Tianluo College also wants to face.

People in the rivers and lakes are involuntarily, some things, even if they are fake, can be one thousand, ten thousand, tens of thousands of people, all say that it is true, then this fake thing, it is true.

"Let’s say a few words!"

The dean of the division frowned slightly: "Dissipate it, this matter, wait for their elders to come, and then do the treatment."

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