Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 462: Extraordinary cleaning

"I have heard of these schools, very good, just... I don't know which one to choose."

Zi Yan opened his eyes and looked at Zhang Han and said, "Do you have any thoughts?"

"Yes, let Meng Mengming..."

When Zhang Han’s words were not finished, he saw a pair of purple scorpions, and the rest of the words did not say any more.

Zi Yan smiled helplessly, and Zhang Han looked at him with a white glance. "When you go to kindergarten, you don't come back. It seems that you are supporting."

"Amount..." Zhang Han shook his head and looked at Zhou Fei. "You will talk about the specific information in these kindergartens."


Zhou Fei looked at the information he recorded and said:

"These kindergartens have to trust the relationship now. The interviews are over. The first four are more than a month. So I think Hanji is more suitable. It is half-day, and Victorian kindergarten is also a half-day. The other three are full-time, that is, eight hours, from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, half-day words are from 8:00 am to 12:00 am..."

Having said that, Zhang Han’s eyes are slightly bright.

I don't think there is anything about a half-day system. I can't wait for a few hours outside the school.

"What is the half-day system?" Zhang Han asked.

"Hankey also has Victoria, there are many others. I recorded thirteen kindergartens here, and finally selected these five according to distance." Zhou Fei replied.

"Give me the information, I will check it out tomorrow," said Zhang Han.

"Well, OK." Zhou Fei handed over the information.

Zhang Han looked at the information.

Looking at his expression is also very serious.

This made Ziqiang's mouth move on the side, wanting to say that he killed two sets, but when Zhang Han looked through it seriously, he did not speak.

Zhang Han looked at the information and calmed down at the time. Only Meng Meng was playing with the sound of the toy.

After two or three minutes.

Zhang Hancai looked up and looked at the purple eyes, a bit strange:

"How come you don't talk?"

"Isn't this waiting for the opening of your home?" Zi Yan answered with big eyes.

"Ha ha..."

Zhang Han shook his head and laughed. "I have been going to take a look at the decision in these two days."

Since it was decided, Zhang Han would not refute and began to ponder over a place of peace of mind.

"Let's see it, anyway, it's not anxious, choose it." Zi Yan taps his forehead.

So this matter was temporarily settled like this.

Meng Meng's attitude towards kindergarten is quite casual. In the heart of the little guy, it is the same as where you play.

After sitting for a while, Ziqiang and Xu Xinyu and Zhou Fei and Zhang Li returned to the hotel and arranged for a rest.

About 10:30, the family of three returned to me on the bed.

Zhang Han is still telling the story. About twenty minutes, the two of them are slowly falling asleep, and Zhang Han calmly lay for half an hour.

After they were asleep, Zhang Han quietly got up, hugged Meng Meng in a small bed, and covered the quilt for both of them. He quietly opened the door of the bedroom, closed the door, and stood in the hall.

The ring on the finger shimmered.

Suddenly the five-line furnace appeared in the hall, and it fell gently on the ground without any sound.

The flint floated on the underside of the five-row furnace and began to bloom, illuminating the living room.

Zhang Han’s eyes flashed a little thought.

"Guardian energy, micro-array."

"Fu can also be used."

"It's important to be small and convenient."

"It is also necessary to prevent the actions of the next relatives."

“Need four layers of protection.”

Zhang Han doesn't like strangers hugs Meng Meng, let alone kiss, and there are security issues, no matter who they are, can't let anyone get a hole.

So Zhang Han began to refine the guardian magic weapon.

The flame burned all night in the living room.

Zhang Han’s face was looming under the fire, and at the end, even his face was a little pale.

The incomparably complex micro-array method is also particularly troublesome.

Fatherly love, sometimes it is as simple as this, doing some things silently.

Until four o'clock, a black hair measuring about three centimeters in length flew out of the five-row furnace.

Floating in the hands of Zhang Han.

"You're done."

Zhang Han smiled slightly, and the palm of his hand waved, and the five elements of the furnace were taken back.

Two hairs.

The first layer guards to prevent intimacy, and the second layer is warning. If there is spiritual power close to the 10-inch range, the warning array will start immediately. If you continue to compress inward, the energy of the symbol will start immediately. This is the third layer of protection. The symbolic energy start Zhang Han can also sense the first time, if the symbol is broken, the fourth layer of protection is turned on.

It can be said that it is very thoughtful.

Holding two hairs and returning to the bedroom, Zhang Han's palms are handed forward, and the two hairs fly to Meng Meng and Zi Yan, respectively, into the hair, hovering over the roots of the hair behind the head.

Suddenly two light-colored waves spread around the body, and then the light faded.

Zhang Han gently lay back on the bed and rested.


After breakfast, Zhang Han put on his coat in the bedroom.

"I don't go with you?" Zi Yan asked strangely beside him.

"I am going to inquire about the situation, but not to communicate with the school, you don't have to go." Zhang Han shook his head slightly.

"When are you coming back?"

"At noon, try to show these schools today."

Zhang Han said, and the two walked out of the bedroom. Zhang Han greeted him and went downstairs. He went to the panda car and left alone.

I came to the nearest place called Baoshan International School.

Located in the center of Zhukeng District, Zhang Han opened a circle around and opened his mind.

It was observed that several doors had several guards guarding the perimeter, and all the monitoring equipment was around, but there were still some dead ends.

Zhang Han parked the car on the side of the sparsely populated road.

The body jumped directly across the fence and jumped in. The area was not too big. There were twelve buildings. Zhang Han found a half-tone and finally explored the floor of the kindergarten.

There are also security personnel at the front and back of the building.

Zhang Han walked to the side, his eyes swept away, and jumped from the window on the second floor corridor to observe the situation.

Different classes are having different teachers teaching, mainly to cultivate some self-consideration and other abilities before school. The children in the small class are more active, the middle class is generally, the children in the big class are very serious to listen.

"this is not OK."

“The atmosphere is a bit stiff.”

Zhang Han observed for a moment and pulled back.

All the way to the north, come to Victoria Kindergarten.

Observed for a while, leaving silently.

In this way, Zhang Han saw six kindergartens in the morning. Although they all had styles, they were similar, and they were all bi-lingual and trilingual.

At present, it is more suitable for Hanji and Victoria. The distance is not far away. The decoration inside is OK, but Zhang Han always feels that it is a little worse.

On the way back to Xinyuewan, Liu Qingfeng called.

"Zhang Han, I heard that you are going to choose kindergarten in these two days?"

"Well, just reading a few, I feel almost the same." Zhang Han replied.

"I have a suggestion. I don't know if you heard about Shengluo kindergarten?" Liu Qingfeng said.


“Shengluo Kindergarten will start classes in a few days. Only 90 students will be enrolled each year and divided into several small classes. Seventy of them will need three interviews. After the selection, they will select excellent children. Nineteen places were used for auctions, as early as six months ago. The number of places this year has been fixed, but I know the board of directors of the school. I can talk about the address of this school in the West District of South Island... ”

Liu Qingfeng said a lot of introductions in one breath.

After listening to Zhang Han, he said: "When I go over the afternoon, check it out."

hang up the phone.

Driving for half an hour, returning to the restaurant is already twelve o'clock.

After lunch, Zhang Han asked Zhou Fei to ask:

"Do you know Shenglu Kindergarten?"

“Shengluo Kindergarten? Know!” Zhou Fei’s eyes lit up and said: “There is the top kindergarten in Xiangjiang. It’s rumored that all kinds of rich and precious three or four generations are gathered. Many children who have a lot of families have a lot of there. However, they only have ninety-nine people a year, and they will start enrolling students half a year in advance. This year is over. I haven’t heard of any extra students entering these years, I have not considered it."

"You think about it when you say this." Zi Yan said, "There seems to be only kindergarten, but after graduation, many difficult primary schools in Xiangjiang are free to choose."

"Then I will check it out in the afternoon." Zhang Han tapped his head.

It was cute, and it was whispering in the side: "I can play at home with me..."

I also saw it out, Zhang Han was very concerned about Meng Meng.

So at two o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Han went out again.

Shengluo Kindergarten is located in the area of ​​Anxing Mountain. There are several main residential quarters and two primary schools on the west side. The environment is elegant and the location is excellent.

Zhang Han turned around a few laps.

There are seven or eight buildings inside, the area is not very large, but the buildings are quite unique, there are small western European castles, modern science and technology houses, and some outdoor play venues.

The surrounding security members also have some levels, monitoring no dead ends, and there are guns at the waist.

Zhang Han thought about it. On a tree on the back side of the school, his body moved and fell into it in ten meters.

Walked forward for a minute and came to the back of the modern house.

Suddenly, Zhang Han had a figure in front of him.

"who are you?"

The figure was alive, an old man with a white beard, frowning at Zhang Han.

"Oh?" Zhang Han gave a slight glimpse.

Late Master?

"I am Zhang Hanyang." Zhang Han answered.

"You are Zhang Zongshi?" The old man's face was a bit, but there was still some vigilance in his eyes. He slightly arched his hand and said: "I am Lu Xiong."


Zhang Han nodded.

Is Lu Xiong not the fourth person on the Xiangjiang Billboard?

"I don't know what happened to Zhang Zongshi?" Lu Xiong's body is a little tight and a little nervous.

He heard about the incident that happened before, knowing that he was not the opponent of Zhang Zongshi.

Seeing his expression, Zhang Han also knows what he thinks in his heart, smiles slightly, and says:

"My daughter is going to kindergarten. I will come out and explore the situation today."

"It is like this."

Lu Xiong suddenly relaxed and said with a smile: "That is definitely a good choice here, the children are very smart."

"Are you here?" Zhang Han looked at him a little strangely.

A late master is also a very powerful role in the current martial arts world.

In Zhang Han’s gaze, Lu Xiong touched his beard and chuckled, and his mouth uttered two words:


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