Godly Student

Chapter 5211 Means!

"Do you know? When I first followed my master, I was just a small ghost guard. In just a few decades, I became the current ghost king. Do you know how I did it?"

Faced with the insults from the Ghost King, Ghost Three didn't care at all. Instead, he walked up to him and smiled calmly at all the trapped ghost cultivators.

Ghost San's words immediately shocked these ghost cultivators. In just a few decades, they turned from ghost guards to ghost kings?

This speed of improvement is simply unimaginable.

You know, these ghost kings and ghost lords have not practiced for thousands of years. It can be said that they have accumulated purely through time.

But this guy only used a few decades to complete their thousands of years of time accumulation, how could this not make them unbelievable.

"What do you want to do?" But when the Ghost King who spoke saw Gui San staring at him excitedly and walking towards him, he felt a little panicked.

He had a vague sense of what this scum of the ghost world was going to do.

He wanted to escape, but he was trapped by something like a restriction. Let alone escaping, it was very difficult to even move.

"Don't come over here. What do you want to do? Don't mess around?" Seeing the other party getting closer, he became more panicked and frightened.

"You should be honored for this, because you will help me achieve greatness." After Gui San said that, he suddenly opened a huge mouth and swallowed the ghost king forcefully.

All the ghost cultivators were immediately frightened. Their originally ugly faces were now distorted by fear, which was even more shocking to the extreme.

"Do you need my help?" Cheng Yu asked when he saw Guisan feeling a little uncomfortable.

Because in the past when Gui San was weak, he used the formation in the Immortal Demon Tower to help him fuse the devoured ghost cultivators.

Now that he is powerful, if he were to devour ordinary ghost cultivators, he would not be needed to fuse them.

But the ghost cultivator he was devouring at this time was a ghost king like him. It was quite difficult to devour ghost cultivators of the same level.

"Master, help me!" This was not the first time that Gui San devoured the Ghost King, but every time he did it with Cheng Yu's help.

Now his strength is relatively strong among the ghost kings. He thinks that his own strength is enough to forcibly devour this ghost king.

But he still overestimated himself, knowing that he could not completely integrate with this ghost king. Naturally, he would not sacrifice face in front of Cheng Yu, so he immediately asked Cheng Yu for help.

Cheng Yu didn't say much, and directly used the power of the formation in the Immortal Demon Tower to bless Gui San. Gui San had already become accustomed to this method, and soon felt that he didn't feel so uncomfortable.

In just half a stick of incense, Ghost Three completely fused with a Ghost King.

Seeing that Ghost Three's fusion was completed and Ghost Three's eyes swept over them, they couldn't help but tremble in fear.

They just watched with their own eyes how Ghost Three swallowed a Ghost King and merged with it.

They are really afraid that Gui San has taken a fancy to them again and wants to fuse them too, which would be too tragic.

"Does anyone else think that I dare not kill you? If so, just ask and I promise to satisfy you!" Of course Cheng Yu will not let Gui San devour him anymore.

Although he has fused with the ghost king, it will still take a certain amount of time to use all the ghost king's power to improve himself.

Even if these ghost cultivators are really prepared for him, it is impossible for him to swallow them all at once, otherwise Ghost Three himself will be burst.

What's more, these are the Ghost King and Ghost Lord, and they were sent by the King of Samsara Realm to conquer the human world. They must know a lot about the situation.

He had just asked Ghost Three to devour the Ghost King just to scare the monkeys and frighten them so that they would understand the current situation.

Otherwise, do they really think that the King of Samsara Realm can save them?

Cheng Yu's words silenced them. All the ghost cultivators lowered their heads tremblingly. No ghost cultivator dared to respond to Cheng Yu.

Now they really understand that this human being will not follow them. If they are as arrogant as the ghost king just now, they will definitely be devoured by the ghost cultivators around this human being.

So they are all scared now, wondering what this human being is going to do after he has captured so many of their ghost kings and ghosts.

Do they still have a chance to go back alive?

"Since you have stopped talking, I will assume that you have acquiesced in my words. First of all, can any of you tell me that in addition to this teleportation array, how many teleportation arrays there are in the underworld that lead to the human world?" Cheng Yu saw them. Everyone was frightened by themselves, sneered in their hearts, and finally asked.

Although he believed that the Ghost King of Ming Luo must know how many teleportation arrays there were in the underworld, he thought that catching the Ghost King of Ming Luo might not be so smooth now.

He thought that not many of the city lords of those ghost towns knew such secrets. After all, their mission was to protect the city, not to go on an expedition.

But these ghost kings are generals on the front line. Even if they don't know as much as the Mingluo ghost king, they should know more than the city lords of those ghost cities.

Now that he has captured so many Ghost Kings and Ghost Lords, he may be able to find out about other transmission points.

If he could find these teleportation points directly, then why bother looking for the Ghost King of Minluo?

It's not that he just wants to find the Ghost King Ming Luo, but he thinks something is wrong with the Ghost King Ming Luo.

And his most important task when he came to the Yin Underworld this time was actually to destroy all the transmission points from the Yin Underworld to the human world.

Being able to send fewer ghost cultivator armies to the human world will also reduce a lot of pressure on those cultivators in the human world.

In fact, he originally wanted to find the Ghost King Minluo just to find out about these teleportation points.

So if he could find these teleportation points first, he would naturally have to solve this most important matter first, and it wouldn't be too late for him to go find the Ghost King Minluo.

However, after Cheng Yu asked, these ghost cultivators still lowered their heads and refused to say a word.

"If anyone is willing to tell me, then I won't kill him!" Cheng Yu seduced.

As expected, these ghost cultivators raised their heads and glanced at Cheng Yu, but they glanced at each other and quickly lowered their heads.

"It seems that you really won't shed tears until you see the coffin. If that's the case, then I will help you." Cheng Yu said and a ghost cultivator appeared behind him again.

"Guizhi has met the master!" The ghost cultivator said respectfully.

"Guizhi, I caught so many ghost kings and ghosts today, which one do you like?" Cheng Yu asked with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, these ghost kings and ghost lords were almost scared to death. They wanted to let this ghost cultivator do something.

If this was pointed out, it would really be a dead end.

At this moment, many ghost cultivators were so frightened that they trembled even more.

Especially those ghost kings, they all know that if they are this ghost cultivator, they will definitely choose a ghost king to devour them.

"Master, what does this mean?" However, Guizhi obviously didn't react at the moment and didn't quite understand what Cheng Yu meant.

Of course, if he saw that Ghost Three had just swallowed a Ghost King, he would not be so confused, but would have already excitedly started to choose the target to devour.

"The main idea is to let you choose one of these ghost kings and ghosts to devour." Gui San said with a smile.

"Ah? Master, is this true?" Guizhi finally became excited after hearing such a good thing.

"Of course, or do you think I brought you here just to tease you? Ghost Three has just swallowed a Ghost King, why don't you choose a Ghost King too!" Cheng Yu said very generously.

Just treat these ghost kings like cabbage, just pick them if you want!

"Hehe! If I couldn't absorb so much at once, I really want to continue to devour it!" Guisan said with a smile.

"Hmph! That's a good idea. You've already swallowed one. Of course the next one is mine!" Guizhi couldn't wait to hear that Guisan had already swallowed one.

At first, Cheng Yu found two death veins of great punishment in the underworld, but Cheng Yu only took out one death vein for them to practice.

However, Cheng Yu maintained an army of tens of thousands of ghost cultivators in the Immortal Demon Tower, so the absorption of death veins over the years was quite large.

If it hadn't been for the death vein of Ju Xing, I'm afraid it would have been absorbed by them long ago.

Moreover, it is impossible for Cheng Yu to let tens of thousands of ghost cultivators absorb the death veins day and night, all the time. Each ghost cultivator absorbed has a certain number and time arrangement.

Therefore, although they have been staying in this Immortal and Demonic Tower all these years, it can only be said that they have not stopped practicing.

As for the cultivation conditions, although it cannot be said to be bad, it is a giant death vein after all, which is also very rare in the underworld.

But since there are tens of thousands of ghost cultivators to cultivate, the cultivation conditions they can obtain will not be particularly good.

But even so, with the help of this giant death vein, the strength of these tens of thousands of ghost cultivators has actually improved a lot.

Because even if they were not caught by Cheng Yu and continued to stay in Hades, they would not be able to enjoy such good things as the Death Vein.

So if compared with those ghost cultivators in the underworld, their conditions are much better.

Looking at it this way, they are actually very happy, but after the conditions are good, they must want better conditions.

However, Cheng Yu hasn't returned to the underworld for a long time, and they definitely can't have extra meals.

Now that Cheng Yu has returned to the underworld again, isn't this big meal coming?

How could he not be overjoyed when he could devour a ghost king on the first day?

When Cheng Yu named Gui Zhi to choose the ghost king, the ghost kings almost collapsed to the ground without being frightened.

At this time, Gui Zhi was already walking towards these ghost kings with excitement on his face, and was walking back and forth in front of them, obviously considering which one he wanted to devour.

"I can tell you where there is another teleportation point, please don't kill me!" One of the ghost kings finally couldn't bear it anymore and was the first to speak.

"I know it too, please don't kill me!" With the first one, there will naturally be a second and third one.

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