Godly Student

Chapter 5235 Aren’t I the King of the Realm?

Ming Luo and the three realm kings already knew all the planning process, so Cheng Yu no matter how they completed the plan, but seeing various situations outside the city, he could basically judge the situation inside the city.

At least from what Cheng Yu has seen so far, the King of Samsara Realm is indeed not in the city.

Otherwise, Minluo and the others would have started a war in the city.

Moreover, it is impossible for ghost cultivators to come out of the city and go to the territories of various princes and kings to report the news.

Of course, it is even more impossible to let Minluo's army enter the city.

Now that they have entered the city, it means that the situation in the city is already under the control of Minluo and the others, and he only needs to wait here for good news.

But Mingluo told him that it might take several days for the furthest princes and kings to arrive.

So Cheng Yu has to wait outside the city for at least a few days.

However, Cheng Yu did not intend to just wait outside the city. Instead, he released a group of ghost cultivators from his Immortal and Demon Tower.

As the saying goes, it takes a thousand days to raise an army, but it takes only a moment to deploy it.

It's just that these ghost cultivators are not going to attack anyone, but are serving as scouts to find out more information for Cheng Yu.

If the King of Samsara suddenly returns, wouldn't that disrupt his plan?

So if he got the news that the King of Samsara Kai returned early, he would definitely intercept the opponent halfway.

But he didn't know which direction the King of Samsara would come from, so naturally he had to send out more scouts to inquire about the King of Samsara in all directions.

Maybe it's because the King of Samsara Realm was really frightened by Cheng Yu, and for a while he didn't dare to return to the Ghost Mansion of Samsara again.

Because as long as he returns to the Reincarnation Ghost Mansion, he is worried that Cheng Yu may come here to find him at any time.

So he won't come back for the time being.

At least I don't dare to come back alone. If I really want to come back, I will probably find more kings to come back together, so that I can be guaranteed.

Otherwise, it will definitely be a dead end when you come back.

But even if Cheng Yu thinks of this, sometimes he should still be careful.

If that guy comes back, his plan may be disrupted, and all the efforts these days have been in vain.

As for how to deal with the Samsara Realm King, after they occupy the Samsara Ghost Mansion, they will naturally make the next step, so now he mainly wants to prevent the Samsara Realm King from returning to the Samsara Ghost Mansion to cause trouble.

If he really wants to show up, then intercept and kill the Samsara Realm King directly outside the city.

But what makes Cheng Yu regretful is that there is no news about the return of the King of Samsara Realm in a few days. It's just that in the past few days, many princes and kings have vaguely arrived at the Samsara Ghost City.

As for what happened to these princes and kings in the city, Cheng Yu didn't know.

He didn't need to know this. On the fifth day after Ming Luo and the others entered the city, the three of them finally came out.

"Master, everything is going well. Now the entire Samsara Ghost Mansion is under our control!" King Mingluo Realm said excitedly when he saw Cheng Yu.

Although this news has not yet spread to the entire Hades, from now on, he can be said to be the true master of the Reincarnation Ghost Palace.

"Have all the princes and ghost kings been dealt with?" Cheng Yu nodded.

Since the King of Samsara Realm did not appear, this result can be said to be inevitable.

It's just a matter of time.

Five days is not a long time, so it went really smoothly.

"The King of Samsara Realm has been in charge of the Samsara Ghost Mansion for so many years, so naturally there are some die-hard princes and kings. And I have also followed the King of Samsara Realm for so many years, so I know who are the die-hard loyalists.

Therefore, these die-hards must not be allowed to stay. After they came to the ghost mansion, I executed them in front of the other princes and ghost kings.

The rest are willing to be loyal to me, and some of the princes and ghost kings have been replaced by my generals.

I think now even if the King of Samsara Realm really comes back, as long as I give an order, no one will dare to disobey my will. "Mingluo Realm King said excitedly.

Now that he is the King of the Realm, his strength has improved tremendously, and he has no idea how confident he is to speak in front of these ghost kings.

The ghost kings were indeed unwilling to obey him at first, but after discovering that he was already the king of the realm, all the ghost kings were stunned.

And he also enjoyed their expressions very much at that time.

Coupled with the fact that he used some force, can these guys still refuse to submit?

It can be said that he is indeed a genuine King of Samsara Realm now.

Although if the previous King of Samsara Realm was willing to give up his position to him, he could obtain this identity more peacefully, but at that time he was only a Ghost King.

But with Cheng Yu's help, he not only took charge of the Samsara Ghost Mansion, but also became the King of the Realm.

Although the process of taking charge of the reincarnation ghost house is not so upright, it is no longer important.

When he was discovered by the King of Samsara Realm to be related to Cheng Yu, he was destined to never be in charge of the Samsara Ghost Mansion again.

So now this is obviously the best result.

"Although those princes and ghost kings have surrendered to you, you still have to be careful. Especially if you are not as powerful as the King of Samsara Realm, you will really lose when the time comes, and your throne will have to be returned sooner or later!" Cheng Yu reminded road.

He saw this kind of thing too clearly.

Even though the King of the Mingluo Realm has taken control of the Samsara Ghost Mansion now, as long as the King of the Mingluo Realm fails to save his own life, or after he leaves the underworld, it is entirely possible for the King of the Samsara Realm to take the Samsara Ghost Mansion back again.

"So I ask my master to help me get rid of the Samsara Realm King and the other realm kings. As long as those guys are gone, we will have the final say in the underworld!" The King of Minluo Realm naturally understood this truth, so he immediately asked Cheng Yu road.

Now that the Samsara Ghost Mansion has been captured, the most important thing is to get rid of these realm kings who pose a great threat to him.

As long as these realm kings are eliminated, he will naturally be safe.

"I will naturally help you get rid of the realm king, otherwise I won't worry. Have the four houses notified you?" Cheng Yu asked.

Since he wanted to support his own power in the underworld, he naturally wanted to help Minluo and the others solve these hidden dangers.

Otherwise, he really doesn't feel at ease if he returns to the human world now.

With the three realm kings of Ming Luo and others, even after releasing Kitō and Silla, there were only five realm kings. How could they be the opponents of the realm kings in the underworld now?

Therefore, even if Min Luo didn't say anything about this favor, he would definitely take action.

"Thank you, Master. I have sent people to notify the four palace masters over there. They are a bit far away. It will probably take a few more days for them to arrive.

Master, can you come into the city with us now? Resting in the city is much better than staying in the wilderness! "Mingluo Realm King invited.

Now that he is the master of the Reincarnation Ghost Mansion, he no longer has to worry about anyone interrogating him. In addition, Cheng Yu has hidden his own aura. As long as Cheng Yu himself is not exposed, it is impossible for anyone to discover that Cheng Yu is a human being.

Although it was he and Gui Sanguizhi who took down the Samsara Ghost Mansion without Cheng Yu's participation, the prerequisite for them to obtain all this was with Cheng Yu's help.

Without Cheng Yu's help to make them kings of the realm, how could they have taken down the Samsara Ghost Mansion so easily!

What's more, even if they all become palace masters, they are still Cheng Yu's slaves.

As long as Cheng Yu doesn't take the initiative to release their souls, they will never be able to change their identity.

So in front of Cheng Yu, he must be respectful, how dare he show any slightness!

"Well, it's okay to enter the city now!" Cheng Yu thought for a while and didn't refuse.

Anyway, the scouts have been released. If the Samsara Realm King and the others really come back, then he will naturally receive the news as soon as possible.

So even if you enter the city, there will be no delay.

What's more, the four palace masters didn't arrive so soon, and he really didn't want to stay in this wild environment with extremely poor environment.

Walking in the city, Cheng Yu was also filled with emotion.

I remember when I first came to the Samsara Ghost City, I was really careful, like a thief.

But now, he can wander around the city openly and no one dares to catch him. This feeling is really special.

Although the Yin Underworld is dim all day long, it has no impact on the people in the Yin Underworld.

Except for the different sky, different air, different architectural styles in the city, and different creatures walking in the city, there are not many differences in other forms.

For example, there are also various shops, restaurants, markets, etc. in this city, and there are even stalls set up on the streets.

However, it is possible that the people in the city have been frightened by the things that King Tian Ming Luo has done here, so there are not many people walking in the city.

This was not Cheng Yu's first time entering a ghost town, so he didn't think there was anything new about this.

The Reincarnation Ghost Mansion was still the same as before, but this time he no longer had to sneak in sneakily and went in openly.

Although Cheng Yu didn't have to worry about the consumption of spiritual energy, Cheng Yu still felt a little uncomfortable staying in such a place with strong yin energy.

But it was only a few days, so I didn’t particularly care.

After staying in the mansion for almost five more days, all the masters of the four palaces finally arrived.

The four palace masters came to the Samsara Ghost Mansion after receiving orders from the King of Samsara Realm. However, when they saw that it was the Ghost King of Samsara sitting on the throne of the Lord of Samsara Palace, the four palace masters were also shocked.

"Mingluo Ghost King, you are so brave, you dare to sit in that seat, why don't you please come out quickly!" The master of the East Mansion immediately shouted.

The Ghost King Mingluo used to be just a ghost king of princes under the King of Samsara Realm, and although they were just ghost kings, they were the masters of the palace, which was a much higher status.

Although they are lower than the King of Samsara Realm, they are still the masters of the palace after all, and they are still on the same level as the King of Samsara Realm. How can they allow the Ghost King Mingluo to sit on their heads.

"Lord Kaio? Am I not Lord Kaio?" King Mingluo no longer concealed his aura and exposed it directly.

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