Godly Student

Chapter 5849 A cruel test!

In this place where there are so many strong people, if the strength has not reached that level, and if you want to get the token, it all depends on luck, the chance itself is very small.

So apart from relying on luck, with their current strength, the only possibility to get the token is to rely on everyone's unity.

If everyone only has their own interests and thinks that only they can get the token, in fact it is almost impossible for them to get the token.

But the reality is that everyone wants to leave. If someone else gets the token and wants to help others, of course they will not be able to get over this hurdle.

So although there are always eight people in a group, in fact, when they encounter the token, they still fight on their own.

This is also why old monsters are reluctant to form alliances.

With their strength, it would obviously be easier to obtain tokens if they formed an alliance.

But the truth is not that simple, because there are not only eight old monsters, but also more than eight strong ones.

So even if the old monsters are in a group of eight, in fact, it is difficult for a team to get eight tokens.

After all, other old monster teams are not vegetarians either.

And if a group of eight old monsters only gets one token, will seven of the eight people give up the token to one of them?

This is obviously impossible. Even if someone holds the token, the other seven people in the team will directly do something dirty. Not only will the token be snatched away, but their lives may also be stolen by the tower.

It's not like this has never happened before.

So these old monsters feel that since they have enough strength, they might as well go it alone, so that at least they won't be betrayed by their own team.

Anyway, he only has one person, so anyone approaching him is an enemy, so he can guard against everyone at the same time.

But after you have a team, at least seven people can be infinitely close to you. In this case, you can guard against everyone else, but it is difficult to guard against the seven people around you. .c0m

Because you don’t know if the person who was smiling at you just now will have murderous intentions towards you the next moment, which makes it difficult for people to guard against it.

Teams have advantages and disadvantages. Such disadvantages are not only present in the old monster team. In fact, any other team also has such problems, and even such problems will be more serious.

After all, they don't have the strength of the old monsters. If they don't form an alliance and form a team, they basically can't even get close to the token.

Only by forming a team, with the strength of the team, even if you encounter an old monster, you can actually fight it.

It's just that in that case there is not just one old monster as the opponent, there may be many old monsters, and there are many other teams, and even some teams are not inferior to them in strength.

That's why it's very difficult for them to get tokens. If they really get them, it would be great to have one.

If you want to get all eight tokens, it's still a matter of luck.

But if it weren't for a lot of luck, this situation would never have happened.

Not only that, they will also face the biggest problem faced by the old monsters, that is, after getting the token, the entire team may fall apart and collapse for the sake of the token.

This problem is even more serious than that of the old monster team.

After all, their personal strength is limited. How can they get the token without the help of the team?

This also makes this token more precious to them, but it is impossible for eight people to have a token at the same time, so the token cannot be accepted by any one person, and the other seven people cannot accept it.

Therefore, the person with the token becomes the most dangerous person and may be killed by his teammates at any time.

And now Boss Jiang and the other eight people have reached an agreement for this. No matter who gets the token, they cannot steal his token. They even have to help him protect the token. It is best to protect him from leaving.

In return, after these people leave, I hope that everyone can help others when they meet in the fairy world.

This idea is definitely a very good one, because it sounds like it has only benefits for everyone and no harm.

But the fact is, it's not easy to say whether they can really do this.

Because everyone has been waiting for the token for so many years. If some of them really get the token, can others really be so kind and humble?

This is still a problem.

But at least now everyone agrees with the proposal.

"Actually, I think that our coming to this world seems to be a hidden test!" Boss Jiang said.


"That's right, think about it, we all come from different human realms, and basically only one person from each human realm comes to this world. At least I haven't found two people from the same human realm." Boss Jiang said.

"That seems to be the case, but what does this have to do with the test?" Someone asked in confusion.

"Of course it does matter. There are thousands of human worlds in this world, and only one person in each human world can come here. Doesn't this seem like an arrangement?" Boss Jiang said.

"You mean, we were arranged here just to be tested?" Someone seemed to understand.

"Yes, and whether we can leave this world is our biggest test!" Mr. Jiang nodded.

"Then do you think this is a man-made arrangement or God's will? If it is God's will, why is it such a coincidence that only one person in the human world comes to this world?

If it is man-made, who has so much energy to find someone from every human world to bring us into this world?

To be honest, I still haven't figured out how I got here. I remember that I just slept for a while, but when I woke up, I was in this world. "Someone asked doubtfully.

This doubt has been bothering me for hundreds of years. If I can't get out, it will be thousands of years ago.

"It's hard to say. If it's man-made, then this person's strength is naturally beyond our understanding. In fact, it's not just you, every one of us came to this world inexplicably for one reason or another.

As for whether it is man-made or God's will, I think the situation we are seeing now can occur.

When it reached the point where we couldn't understand it, to be honest, it seemed that there was no difference to us whether he was a human or a god! "Boss Jiang said.

"That's right! But if it's like you said, this is a test, then there are really many people who fail the test.

You know, only eight people left in a hundred years, and that was under extremely smooth circumstances. But every time, no matter whether the exit was opened or not, many people died. This test was too cruel. "Someone said. Remember the URL of this site, www.biquxu.Com, for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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