Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1002: Lay out to meet the enemy

A disciple who taught me suddenly said: "After entering, run a little farther, otherwise if I don't play well, someone will be unlucky!"

Ignoring the joking words of those people, Li Zhen and the others stepped in.

Suddenly, everyone stagnated, with intoxicated smiles on their faces, "It's so comfortable, is this...is the breath of the avenue?"

At this moment, they have already stepped into the valley, and as soon as they entered, they felt the avenues wandering around, as if they were within reach if they wanted to.

Of course, they know that this is just their illusion, it's just that the road here is easy to sense.

After some people came in, they left without any hesitation.

"Everyone, the two religions are too powerful. If we spread apart, we won't be their opponents. This time, we all join hands and act together. How about?"

After that, Wan Qiang glanced at Li Zhen coldly: "Some people, just don't want it, otherwise it will attract us even bigger enemies!"

Those who have not left, heard the words: "Yes, but when we encounter danger, we have the right to choose to fight, or to stay."

Wan Qiang nodded faintly: "This is natural!"

Everyone knows that when they get together, it's just to scare the disciples of those small forces. They really met big disciples like Jiejiao. When they got together, they just got caught up in the pan.

"Tang, Feng, Jiang, all of you from the Li family, what do you mean?" Wan Qiang was a little proud. At this time, he seemed to be superior to the four major families.

"The ancestor said, the four of us will be together!" Then he looked at Li Zhen: "Brother Li, we will not interfere with you!"

Having said that, without any hesitation, left!

Wan Qiang laughed. He didn't expect that even the four major families would not want to stay with Li Zhen.

"Everyone, let's go!"

Wan Qiang rushed to the distance first.

Lin Xi looked at Li Zhen with big eyes, "Which way shall we go?"

"Huh? Aren't you leaving? The goal of the two sects is me!" Li Zhen was puzzled, and Lin Xi did not leave.

With that, Li Zhen looked at Shen Yuhang on the side: "Mr. Shen, are you not leaving?"

Shen Yuhang did not answer, but clenched the spear in his hand.

"Since you are willing to stay, then that's it, you and my wife, choose a place to defend alone, if someone runs away, you will kill it!"

As Li Zhen said, he took a look at the surroundings and began to set up a formation at the mouth of the valley.

With a wave of his hand, the 365-pole star streamer was instantly deployed, and the explosive energy seemed to have found a catharsis, swarming toward the 365-pole star streamer. Li Zhen and the void walked alone, setting more than 10,000 small star streamers on In the void.

Wan Qiang, they haven't gone far yet and saw this scene.

Someone was surprised and asked quietly: "What does Li Zhen want to do?"

Wan Qiang glanced at it, smiled coldly, and said, "Can't you see this? He wants to die!"


Wan Qiang just wants to give Li Zhen a ‘haha’, is he crazy?

That’s a disciple of the interpretation education and the interception education. If you can run away, it’s very good. Are you here?

Not only Wan Qiang could see it, but also people from the four great families.

One person in Feng's face changed drastically, and he looked at the other three: "What should I do?"

A member of the Li family said: "Go, the ancestor said that after coming in, there is only a chance for Li Zhen to find trouble for others. If someone finds Li Zhen for trouble, then he will be dead!"

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