Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1009: The fear of disciples

"Brother Li, you..."

Those people from the interpretation and education came in and played against Li Zhen. Add up, do you have ten minutes?

Is this all killed?

"Let's rest for a minute, and then we run, the people who intercepted the teacher are about to come."

The situation at the mouth of the valley should be able to keep the people who cut the education for a while. After all, all the people who explain the education are dead, and he will be astonished as to who it is replaced.


Valley mouth.

Ding Guangxian stepped in, triumphantly, "Go chasing and killing the **** of the Li family first, and then chasing and killing the choppy ones."

And the moment these people walked into the land of the true king, everyone's face changed drastically!


There are stumps of limbs and arms everywhere, and the real blood is spilled, and it flows into a stream. The rich fragrance attracts human taste buds.

"Big brother, you are a interpreter!"

One person saw one of them, his face changed, and said.

These people who had been taught suddenly became extremely alert.

Although they look down on those who teach Chan, they have to admit that these disciples of Chan teach are very powerful.

Even if they meet, it is not certain who will live or die.

but now……

"That's Zheng Tianci!"


Every time a person is recognized, the faces of the disciples of the Jiao Jiao are ugly.

When they counted to 44, everyone was silent!

All the disciples of Chanjiao stay here!

It took less than ten minutes, all dead!

Ding Guangxian's face was extremely ugly.

Who moved the hand? Is it a person from the fairy world, or a person from the holy beast world? Or have the people of the two worlds joined forces?

But no matter what, their opponent appeared!

The opponent can easily kill the person who is taught within ten minutes, and the strength must be extremely strong.

Although they are very self-confident, even if they are against the people of Shang Chanjiao, it is impossible for them to kill these people without some means.

Moreover, none of the 44 educators escaped!

Giving everyone a cautious look, Ding Guangxian led everyone slowly inside.

As he walked, Ding Guangxian's nostrils throbbed, and a breath of robbery thunder hit his face.

"This is... Heavenly Tribulation?"

Ding Guangxian's eyes shone brightly, then he looked around, saw the traces left by Jie Lei, and took a long breath.

"Big brother, what do you mean?"

Those people were puzzled and asked.

"These people from Chan-teaching have met with severe stubbornness. Those people directly caused the catastrophe, and they died together with these people from Chan-teaching."

Ding Guangxian regained his previous jealousy and said lightly.

The people who had been taught were stunned for a while, and then laughed.

"Those **** of Chanjiao, so unlucky?"

"I was annihilated by the group as soon as I came in, these wastes from the interpretation!"

But this also gave them a wake-up call. If they encounter a cruel stubbornness that is about to break through, it is best to wait for him to make a real breakthrough before provoke!

Generally speaking, it is about to break through the real king, and no one will cause the catastrophe stupidly and die with others.

"Let's go, now that all the people who teach the interpretation are dead, let's go chasing and killing the waste wood of the Li family!"

Ding Guangxian said proudly.

Almost at the same time!

Li Zhen also recovered.

"Next, what do we do?"

Shen Yuhang is now truly convinced by Li Zhen. He is not at all unhappy about what Li Zhen only gave him a storage ring. After all, they didn't make any effort.

"First find a place to help you break through the Ninth-Rank realm and comprehend the avenue, and then find these people who are taught and kill them all!"

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