Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1014: If you don't have a baby, i won't die

At this time, Tie Wudi and Luo Tianyi also opened their eyes.

The faces of the two people were a bit ugly. They had always been able to defeat the monks of the same level, but they didn't expect that today, they faced monks of the same realm and couldn't even stop them.

"Next, when encountering monsters, I will let you fight each other until you fully control the avenue in your body."

This time, their shortcomings have also appeared. Although they have mastered the road, their control is too low.

The reason they met those people in the immortal world, the reason they lost so quickly was because the opponent's avenue control, almost every avenue reached more than 90%.

The reason why the disciples of Chanjiao are so powerful is because their mastery of the Great Dao is above 60%.

Li Zhen and the others went out, and the few people in the fairy world left.

In the next few days, the four people took turns to battle with the monsters|, they were too tired, so they changed.

The effect is very significant, the mastery of the Dao has improved very quickly, although it is not up to the level of those in the fairy world, but after encountering it, it will not be as powerless as last time.

Seeing them improve the control of the Dao in this way, Li Zhen was a little envious. He could only improve by eating beast spirits, and fighting with monsters|, he could not improve at all.

One month's time was fleeting, and their control of the avenue finally increased to over 80%.

at the same time.

Wan Qiang's face was ugly, the monsters here were really fierce, and they were not afraid of death. Although they understood a lot of avenues, the avenues had a lot of understanding, and their drawbacks were also highlighted.

All of them do not have a high degree of control over the avenues, greed and comprehend more avenues, and were lost for a while, control over the avenues is almost 0%, and their strength has not improved much.

In this crisis-ridden place, if the strength is not improved, it is tantamount to looking for death.

"I don't know if Li Zhen is dead at this time!"

Wan Qiang thought in his heart and took a sputum.


In a cave.

Li Zhen and the others fell there without image.

Even the two girls Lin Xi and Luo Tianyi didn't care about the filth on their bodies, and took the time to rest.

At this moment, Li Zhen's head was half missing, and his chest was penetrated. The real blood was squirming and he was repairing it.

Aside, Shen Yuhang's arm was broken, his face was pale, and he was almost out of breath.

"Made, Brother Li, these goods are so terrible, it's absolutely fatal!"

Tie Wudi fell to the ground and complained.

Before, they met those people in the immortal world again, and they started fighting when they met.

The two sides were evenly matched and finally killed them.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the same door of those few people came, a total of more than 100 people, surrounded Li Zhen and the others.

A true king realm, at least comprehending the 20 great avenues, urged a secret technique for forcibly condensing various avenues.

After this secret technique was unfolded, Li Zhen didn't have the slightest defensive power. He was instantly pierced through his chest, and several of them were even injured.

Fortunately, at a critical moment, Li Zhen broke out the blood tactics, forcibly opened a breakthrough, and several people broke out.

Luo Tianyi sat up with difficulty, looking at Li Zhen's appearance, tears in her beautiful eyes, "Don't be so mad! You have to think about Xiaoman and others!"

"Don't worry, I will never die before you let me have a baby!" Li Zhenkou flowered.

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