Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1020: Go find someone

Only Luo Tianyi seemed to know something and had no objection.

"By the way, storage ring!"

Just when Li Zhen wanted to go out, he suddenly remembered that he had snatched the storage rings of those who were in the Intercept Education and those in the fairy world.

Opening the storage ring of those people who taught Jie Jiao, Li Zhen was happy, and the cultivation world was indeed rich. The storage ring had even more things than those in the fairy world.

Li Zhen frowned, not quite right, the immortal world should be richer than the people in the cultivation world, but in reality, how come the people in the cultivation world are richer.

Refining the elixir in the storage ring into a pill, and bringing Li Zhen several hundred million evolution points, divided the pill among several people, and then several people walked out of the valley.

"Where are we going?" Shen Yuhang asked.

Li Zhen thought for a while, then moved his brows, and said: "Go, go and find people from the four great families!"

"Looking for someone from the four great families?"

"Yes, in the ancient times, the four great families were the same sect brothers. They had a set of combined attack tactics, united them, and completely destroyed the disciples of the interception!"

"And that big monster! We can't do it, we need to call them, I have a strategy, can unite to kill the big monster, the lowest peak of the big monster, as long as the big monster is killed, enough for us for a month Is consumed."

"But where do we go to find people from the four great families?" Tie Wudi asked.

"The Li family will leave a mark on the way they walked, so that I can catch up. This is what I have discussed with them in advance."


One day later.

In a small valley, people from the four major families are taking turns to rest.

"People from the interpretation and education and the two religions speak so much. As a result, we have been walking for so long and haven't met them. A group of rubbish, will it be lost?"

"Quiet!" The person headed by the Li family said solemnly.

But that person's words attracted the attention of everyone in the four major families.

Yes, what about the people who interpret the two religions?

Before coming in, he said so arrogantly that he wanted to hunt them down and play a game of hide and seek with them.

As a result, it has been almost two months, and even one of them has not been seen.

"Could it be that Li Zhen killed them all!" A member of the Feng family said optimistically.

As soon as this was said, everyone stopped talking for an instant!

Then laughed in unison.

They admit that Li Zhen is very powerful, but it is absolutely impossible to say that Li Zhen's few people can kill nearly two hundred people in the two teachings!

But they have been walking for so long. Although they are very careful, they will leave some indelible marks on the way.

As long as the people of the two religions want to kill them, it stands to reason that they can definitely be found in less than a month, but it has been two months, and they didn't even notice the aura of the disciples of the two religions, which is a bit strange!

"I don't know how Li Zhen and the others are now?" a child of the Jiang family asked curiously.

"We don't have to worry about their safety. Li Zhen was ranked first on the Ninth Rank. I am afraid that he would have broken through the true king and comprehended 30 great roads." The Li family said positively.

A total of 100 people came in from their four major families. Now 20 people have broken through the real king state. Li Zhen and the others should be faster!

At this moment, the Li family disciple on duty shouted: "Who?"

Hearing this drink, all the members of the four great families moved.

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