"Brother Chen just do it! If Brother Li loses, he will admit defeat!"

The people from the four great families were dumbfounded. Hearing the words in front, they admired Li Zhen's strong feeling in their hearts, but when they heard the words behind, they were depressed!

These words sound so helpless!

I haven't played yet, even if I admit defeat, I have said it in advance.

You are fifth, but the opponent is one place lower than you, you should beat it strongly!

Chen Meisheng stopped when he heard the words, and then laughed.

Such a person is so interesting.

Chen Meisheng didn't elaborate, the figure suddenly disappeared, and countless sword lights gathered towards Li Zhen.

A series of emperor's appearances stand in the void. In front of them, Li Zhen is like a blasphemer who has committed a crime of injustice.

Li Zhen watched lightly, his swordsmanship was passed on from the sword **** Xie Xiaofeng. Xie Xiaofeng didn't teach Li Zhen any swordsmanship at all, but taught him how to find the flaws in the opponent's swordsmanship and then break it with a single sword.

Seeing Chen Meisheng's sword, Li Zhen smiled faintly, did not attack, and then stabbed a seemingly random sword into the void on his side.

The next moment, everyone saw there, Chen Meisheng's figure appeared.

"Spiritual imprisonment!"

A huge mental power suddenly enveloped him.

Chen Meisheng suddenly froze in place, a light flashing on his neck, he recovered and quickly avoided.

However, Li Zhen's speed is too fast.


Chen Meisheng unfolded his posture, and cleverly avoided Li Zhen's sword, but his clothes were cut away.

Around, everyone quietly watched the scene in front of them.

All the hustle and bustle came to an end, and the shocked jaw could not be taken back for a long time.

Li Zhen, so strong!

Ranked fifth, well deserved!

Chen Meisheng glanced at his shirt, and suddenly put the sword away.

"Brother Li is good at swordsmanship! Although there are no rules, but he can hit the key with one sword, I am not as good as you!"

Chen Meisheng's face was full of magnanimousness, and there was only a marvel at Li Zhen in his eyes, but no fear at all!

"Brother Chen, let's take it!"

Chen Meisheng smiled faintly, "However, Brother Chen, Ninth-Rank is not a true king after all. He has understood one hundred great roads. At that moment, the combat power has changed even more."

"After today, I will look for a place for meditation. After the avenue that I am building is silent, I will go to the Secret Realm of the True King. I wonder if Brother Li is interested?"

"There, I can guarantee 100% breakthrough in the realm of the great emperor, and it will help me wait to break through the middle stage of the great emperor."

"But there is a lot of danger, and there are less than 100 roads, so you are not qualified to go in."

"Brother Li's combat power is very strong, but this understanding of Dao Dao is really too..."

He didn't say everything, but everyone around him understood what he said.


As soon as Chen Meisheng's voice fell, the people of the four great families were stunned.

Especially the people of the Li family, the land of the true king, they have participated many times, but no one has ever mentioned this.

Even their ancestors did not mention this.

I don't know, is it because the ancestors didn't know this secret realm, or this secret realm is new.

"Okay, see you in the secret realm of the true king!"

Li Zhen was startled, then said lightly.

Good to go in!

"In that case, I will retire!"

Chen Meisheng and others came quickly and left quickly. They had no hostility towards people like Li Zhen at all, and they came here to compete.

For this kind of sword idiot, Li Zhen and the people of the four great families admire closely.

The next moment, Shen Yuhang, who was hiding in the crowd, suddenly sat down cross-legged, a sword intent spilled out.

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