Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1041: Shen Yuhang test sword

"This is the Chen Family Kuaijian!"

Suddenly someone yelled out!

"What is the relationship between you and Chen Meisheng?"

As soon as this word came out, everyone was stunned, and then carefully recalled that this sword technique was indeed exactly the same as the legendary Chen Family Kuaijian.

Not only these people in the Immortal Realm, but the people from the four great families were also stunned!

Of course they could see it, and even, they felt that Li Zhen's sword was faster than Chen Mei's!

How is this possible? When did Li Zhen learn the Chen family's fast sword?

"Brother Shen, try the sword!"

Ignoring those people, Li Zhen said, letting go.

Upon hearing this, Shen Yuhang took a step forward, and at the moment his feet fell, his whole person seemed to have become a sword.

"Human sword is one!"

Everyone looked down on Shen Yuhang at first, but when they saw this scene, everyone became afraid.

At this age, people who can easily achieve the integration of man and sword are rare even in the fairy world.

Human and sword are one, if Shen Yuhang was born in the fairy world, he would definitely be vying for it by those powerful top forces.

The sky was shining brightly, and a touch of white fish belly slowly appeared.

Shen Yuhang raised the sword in his hand. At this moment, he felt that the sword was part of his body.


Shen Yuhang didn't know any advanced sword arts at all, he could only use some ordinary basic sword arts, and simply used the basic sword arts against the enemy.

"this is……"

Just now I saw Shen Yuhang's sword unity, and now I saw this scene again, everyone was shocked, isn't it a sword master?

Whatever they showed was all ordinary swordsmanship, and even their three-year-old kid didn't bother to use it.

But looking at Shen Yuhang's appearance, it definitely does not seem to be funny, hasn't this kid practiced swordsmanship?

Not only them, Li Zhen was also stunned.

Shen Yuhang's talent for swordsmanship is so excellent, he has never practiced swordsmanship!

This is too...

Li Zhen didn't know what to say!

But Li Zhen realized in a blink of an eye, Dongshan Wuyuan didn't seem to be a master of swords, only the principal's swordsmanship was okay, but all he learned came from the Brahma Pavilion.

These martial arts sects have regulations, and without the consent of the sect, what they learn cannot be easily taught outside.

"Brother Li, Brother Shen, this is..." Li Mingchao was a little surprised. As a powerhouse in the realm of True King, he still used this kind of primary swordsmanship.

"Brother Shen is tempering his sword intent!"

Li Zhen opened his eyes and said nonsense.

Secretly taught the sword **** Xie Xiaofeng's kendo key to him.

Xie Xiaofeng's kendo was originally meant to not emphasize shape, and it was most suitable for Xie Xiaofeng.

Xie Xiaofeng’s opponent had always been in the upper hand, but gradually, he felt that Xie Xiaofeng’s swordsmanship became more and more difficult. Although they were all basic swordsmanship, every sword he stabbed happened to pierce his flaws. , If it is once or twice, that's all, but every sword of Shen Yuhang is like this.

This is not easy!

Not only Shen Yuhang's opponent, but everyone around could see it.

People from the four great families have seen the clue, this scene has already appeared in Li Zhen.

"Li Mingchao, surround these people to prevent them from escaping!" Li Zhen shouted.

A member of the Feng family next to him was dumbfounded and reminded: "Brother Li, now we are surrounded by them!"

"With me, we can only surround them!" Li Zhen said lightly, with a strong tone, but no one refuted.

"Hand over your storage ring, I will spare your life, otherwise, there is only one dead end!"

Those people in the fairy world were so despised by Li Zhen, they finally got angry!

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