Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1047: System to be upgraded

Seeing the black screen, Li Zhen was dumbfounded.

Is the system going to be upgraded?

But how could it be this time?

Emmm...Does the system itself know that it is so cheating?

This is the land of true kings!

Fighting will appear at any time, and when it escalates, isn't it killing him?

"Brother Li, what's the matter?"

Shen Yuhang saw Li Zhen's expression and asked.

A few of them took turns in cultivating, and they had already taken turns for several rounds, but Li Zhen was still practicing with his eyes closed.

This is very abnormal, because in their impression, Li Zhen has never cultivated for so long.

Seeing Li Zhen opened his eyes at this time, he asked quickly.

"I'm comprehending the Dao, and I have a hunch that I am about to break through the real king state!"


"Well, but I don't know how long it will take to practice!" In fact, Li Zhen couldn't figure out how long it would take to upgrade this time.

"But after my breakthrough this time, in the land of the true king, it is estimated that I can wait and support!"

Tie Wudi didn't notice that Li Zhen was talking about "eat support," and thought he was talking about galloping, with surprise in his eyes.

"But, how come I can't feel your avenue?"

Shen Yuhang asked strangely.

"I hide my avenue!"

Li Zhen opened his eyes and started talking nonsense.

Now that the system is upgraded, his Dao has naturally disappeared. Only the Dao of Power and Dao of Divine Consciousness are still there because they are 100% truly comprehended.

The foundation of other avenues is the system. Without the system, the avenue is naturally hidden.

At this time, Li Zhen also knew another shortcoming of the system.

The existence of the system makes Li Zhen form a dependency. If he loses the system, his strength instantly drops several levels.

"When I become a true king, I must consolidate the road!"

Li Zhen divided the avenues into two types: one is the real way and the real way, like the way of strength and the way of divine consciousness, and the other is the imaginary way like the way of wind. , Because of the system, only by comprehending them 100%, can they condense the virtual reality.


Tie Wudi looked dumbfounded and had a headache, "Can the Dao be hidden? Brother Li, can this method be handed to us? If this is the case, then can we pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger?"

"It costs a lot to do this... and at the moment, it seems that only me can do it!"

Li Zhen casually talked about a method, which must be unreliable, and Tie Wudi and Shen Yuhang were confused.

The two looked at each other, are you sure, this works?

How do you feel that Li Zhen is lying to them?

After talking nonsense, Li Zhen stopped explaining, but waited for the system to recover.

He felt that the system... was about to be upgraded.

I just look forward to not encountering those powerful characters during this time.

This is the first time the system has been upgraded. It takes such a long time. After the upgrade is completed, Li Zhen's cultivation level will definitely be greatly improved.

However, what is afraid of, what happened.

At this moment, everyone suddenly felt a team of nearly a thousand people approaching them.

"There are people inside, surround yourself!"

Just when Li Zhen and the others found those people, those people also found them, and someone shouted.

"Who is it? Get out!"

"Our senior brother Feng is here, don't get out and see you!"

Hearing this name, Li Zhen and others were stunned. Who is the ninth in the rankings?

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