Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1064: God-level elixir

With a wave of his hand, Si Muwu's Dafangding Ding hung in the air, threw the elixir into it, and then threw a dozen wild spirit fungi into it.

But in the blink of an eye, with a hum, hundreds of elixir flew out.

Li Zhen hurriedly put these spirit pills into the jade bottle.

"Ding, congratulations on refining the god-level spirit pill and wild spirit pill, with +100 million evolution points!"

"Ding, congratulations on refining the god-level spirit pill and wild spirit pill, with +100 million evolution points!"


At this moment, the system prompt sound came.

The sky was filled with robbery clouds, and Li Zhen was happy when he saw it.

Howling rushed into the robbery thunder, and before the thunder thunder struck down, he swallowed the thunder thunder.

When Li Zhen came down, there was still some meaning left, and the first avenue of strengthening +2 appeared.

Ray Dao: (+2) 0.1%!

As soon as he fell, Xiao Guai ran over Li Zhen's shoulder like a puppy, his little tongue licked Li Zhen's face vigorously, and a pair of big eyes revealed hope.

Li Zhen smiled slightly, took out a wild spirit pill and threw it out, the little guy cheered, holding the wild spirit pill and nibble.

The next moment, Xiaoguai's aura rose almost instantly.

Seeing this scene, Li Zhen couldn't help but took out one and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Ding, you have eaten the Wild Spirit Pill, evolution point +10 million, Godhead +0.05%, Yuan Ying (cat shape) +0.25%, Yuan Ying (human shape) +0.25%, all avenues +0.03%, against the ancient The affinity between Qi and Reiki +3!"

Hearing the system prompt, Li Zhen smiled faintly. Although this wild spirit pill is not as effective as eating wild spirit fungus, a wild spirit fungus can successfully refine three to five wild spirit pills, and the taste is much better. Too much!

They took out a few and threw them to Luo Tianyi and the others. A few of them took the spirit pills, whether they were eating or not.

Eat, they know what Li Zhen is doing, and they feel sick when they think about it.

Don't eat it, the fragrance of this kind of spirit pill is really too tempting.

Tie Wudi resisted the nausea and ate one. The next moment, his eyes widened and he looked incredible.

Seeing his appearance, the other three people also ate.

Then, the expressions of several people were the same in an instant.

Li Zhen smiled slightly. He had expected a few people to have this expression, and then he threw a few spirit pills to Xiaoguai.

The little guy pitifully put the spirit pill into the storage ring, ran to Li Zhen's shoulder, and licked Li Zhen's face vigorously.

Li Zhen put away all the wild spirit fungi.

Then he didn't worry, and put the bodies of these people into the storage space.

Several people walked towards the depths of the real king.


In a canyon.

The cat tribe and these indigenous people also met.

A war broke out between the two sides in an instant.

Fortunately, there are many strong cats, but they are still frightened by the strength of this group of people.

"Wan Qiang, can you find my brother Li Zhen? I only give you one day. If you can't find it, then you people don't have to follow!"

Cang Xiaoyuan frowned and said.

This Wan Qiang has been clamoring to take them to Li Zhen's brother, but after so long, Li Zhen's brother has not been found, instead he has been in danger many times.

And these ten thousand strong, the benefits are not less, but the strength is not much.

In the cat family, many cats have complained.

"Li Zhen? Are you looking for Li Zhen?"

At this moment, a person walked out of the void on the side. This person was wearing a tight-fitting black suit. The most striking thing was that this person was carrying a large knife on his back.

"Knife King...Jia Jingshan!"

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