Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1067: Confrontation

The Sword King's face was gloomy and looked at Wang Jinghai on the opposite side.

"Wang Jinghai, what are you? These cats were discovered by our Sword King Sect first, so why do you give them all to you? What are you?"

Jia Jingshan didn't seem to like to talk, Wang Boqing was talking about everything, but when Wang Boqing finished speaking, Jia Jingshan took a step forward and touched the handle of the knife behind his back.

A sense of war continued to rise.

"You want to fight?"

Wang Jinghai jokingly looked at the people of Wang Zong of Dao, and did not feel the slightest fear. The giant python under his crotch was even vomiting snake letters to Wang Boqing who was talking, as if it would be shot in the next second.

Wan Qiang was about to vomit blood!

What a good thing, he was about to get someone to kill Li Zhen, but he didn't expect to meet Wang Jinghai halfway through!

He wanted to say that you joined forces to kill Li Zhen, but it seems that these two groups will definitely not join forces.

Wan Qiang was annoyed!

At the same time, Li Zhen scolded vigorously in his heart.

Why, so many strong people are looking for Li Zhen, but no one is looking for him?

In such a short time, Li Zhen has long been known as the land of the true king, but he, until now, has not been mixed up.

What made him even more frightened was that Wang Zong and Wang Jinghai might fight each other.

He is now completely torn from the cat clan, if the two parties fight, no one will care about him.

"Since both of you want to find Li Zhen, why not work together?"

Now it is him who is most afraid of fighting between the two sides.

Wan Qiang was extremely angry, hating himself for being too weak, and hating himself for being born on the earth instead of in the fairy world.

"shut up!"

Wang Boqing reprimanded.

"Brother Li Zhen is looking for something to discuss, what kind of thing are you? Dare to use senior brother as a gun! I think you want to die!"

Wang Jinghai was even more direct. With a wave of the jade flute in his hand, a wave of air disappeared in a flash.

Before Wan Qiang could react, he was knocked out by the air wave, his internal organs shifted instantly, and his chest was cut open.

Looking at the injured Wan Qiang, Cang Xiaoyuan secretly felt happy!

But apart from having fun, they are depressed!

They were unlucky enough for Jia Jingshan, who was the fifth place on the list, but they didn't expect another Wang Jinghai who was ranked third.

Their luck is really bad!

In the past few days, the monsters they have encountered have become stronger and stronger.

Among the cats, Xiong Wuji's expression kept changing, he looked at other people, his eyes motioned to move his hands.

But the head cat's fingers moved slightly, indicating not to move rashly.

At this moment, Wang Jinghai and Jia Jingshan have not yet reached an agreement, and they are still safe for the time being.

However, once they do their hands, these two parties will definitely take the lead in killing them!

They secretly prayed, praying that the two sides could fight, and it would be best to fight both sides, so that they can escape from the chaos, maybe even get a little bit cheaper.

Of course, they know that they can only think about it.

But in the melee, they can still escape some cats.

"Wang Jinghai, Li Zhen and your Royal Beast Sect's hatred, I don't care, you beat you, but you better not disrupt our deployment!"

Jia Jingshan spoke with a deep face, and it was the first time to say so many things.

"Brother, let these cats deal with Wang Jinghai, anyway, we only have one or two left!"

Wang Boqing said suddenly.

"Looking for Li Zhen, that's because there is no conflict between Li Zhen and us, but Wang Jinghai will rob us!"

Jia Jingshan's eyes lit up when he heard Wang Boqing's words.

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