Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1070: Your grandpa Li Zhen is here


There was a roar in the sky.

Jia Jingshan and Wang Jinghai made dozens of head-to-head moves one after another, and the two were even on the same side!

The top ten in the rankings are almost the same in strength, as expected!

"Catch these cats!"

Wang Boqing shouted!

Since these cats don't cooperate, they can only take action!

Just now.


The python suddenly uttered a scream before dying!


A loud noise!

A figure suddenly jumped out!

Then with a wave of his hand, the python disappeared!

"Brother Snake!"

Wang Jinghai signed a spirit beast contract with the giant python, and at the moment when the giant python died, a sharp pain that could not be suppressed suddenly came out of his heart, which made him distracted for a moment.

But the master can tell the winner in an instant!

Jia Jingshan is even stronger among the strong, how could he not see this opportunity!

The figure suddenly disappeared, holding the sword in both hands, it turned into a bolt of lightning flashing in the void, as if, at this moment, a person turned into a dozen people, and at the same time he slashed at Wang Jinghai.

The corner of his mouth is slightly picked, if Wang Jinghai is killed, his ranking will probably rise to third!

"it is good!"

At this time, even Wang Boqing looked at this junior in the door with admiration and actually killed Wang Jinghai's spirit beast!


A figure flashed by, and the light of the sword flickered. Wang Boqing hadn't reacted yet. A shadow flew out from the crowd, and it was a sword against him.

The speed of the sword was so fast that he even exceeded the limit he could see!

"Kaijian! It's from the Kuaijianmen!"

Is Chen Mei born?

Wang Jinghai and Jia Jingshan, who were fighting each other, gave a thump in their hearts!

Shen Yuhang made a sword followed by a sword, and Wang Boqing was almost unable to fight back.

Both the Cat Clan and the Sword King Sect who were fighting were stunned!

There is actually a fourth party hidden here!


"Hey, this figure!"

Suddenly, Cang Xiaoyuan saw a familiar figure.

That person, like Sister Yiyi!

"Xiaoyuan, follow me!"

Luo Tianyi said, a sword was killed by a sword king!

"It's really sister Yiyi! Then..."

Cang Xiaoyuan thought in her heart, the disciple of the "Knife King Sect" who suddenly looked into the air, his small mouth split open, that person is not Brother Li Zhen, who else can it be?

Tie Wudi also found his opponent.

Li Zhen saw that Shen Yuhang and Tie Wudi were fine, so he shouted, "Brother Jia, I'll help you!"

Before the sound fell, a knife gang suddenly slashed over.

The figure disappeared, holding a knife in both hands, turning into a series of lightning phantoms, as if at this moment, more than a dozen clones had appeared, surrounding Wang Jinghai and Jia Jingshan in the middle.

"Split Shadow Slash!"

A feeling of horror suddenly appeared!

The cold sweat suddenly rushed into my heart, Jia Jingshan roared.

Among these people who came in, he was the only one who had practiced Split Shadow Slash.

But it came out from the sudden appearance of the disciple.

Moreover, at this moment, Jia Jingshan has a feeling that that person is going to kill him!

Could it be that... this person is a hidden child cultivated by the head?


Jia Jingshan suddenly woke up.

Even the dark child cultivated by the head can never escape the search of the rankings!

This person, the ninth grade cultivation base...

"You are Li Zhen!"

Jia Jingshan and Wang Jinghai looked at each other, without any hesitation, they suddenly joined hands to meet Li Zhen.

"Haha, two children, your grandpa Li Zhen is here!"

This sound spread hundreds of miles.

The violent voice made the disciples of the Sword King Sect tremble...

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