Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1084: Ancient Royal Family

Before that person came back to his senses, Li Zhen's slap slapped the deserted person's head directly!


With a muffled sound, the head of that ridiculous man cracked like a watermelon.

A strong atmosphere of ancient times suddenly dispersed!

Li Zhen quickly absorbed this breath into his body.

"Ding, you swallowed the aura of the ancients, evolution point -005 million, power +0.025 dragon, mental power +0.025 s, control strength of all avenues +0.025%!"

Sure enough, Li Zhen's guess was confirmed!

The stronger the ancient aura, the faster Li Zhen will improve!


All the wild people looked at Li Zhen blankly.

His eyes widened, staring blankly, what's going on?

Li Zhen killed their companion?

Isn't Li Zhen eroded by the ancient atmosphere?

How can you still have the energy to kill?

Xu Zhu, who just wanted to turn around and leave, stopped and stared at the scene before him in a daze.

Not only him, everyone looked at Li Zhen.

In his eyes, there were mixed emotions of doubt, shock, and incomprehension.

Chen Meisheng's Hefeng Kindness was completely sluggish in place.

They had fought against these deserted people, and they knew the horror of these deserted people most, but... Li Zhen killed the deserted people so easily.

And... Li Zhen killed the desolate man after being eroded by the atmosphere of the desolate ancient times!

Suddenly, everyone's eyes widened.

Li Zhen...It seems that the aura of the desolate ancient times has not been affected by it.

At this moment, the deserted people hadn't reacted yet, and Li Zhen grabbed the leader who looked like the leader of the deserted people.

"Come on, shoot Lao Tzu!"

Li Zhen said with a sneer at the barren man.

"you wanna die!"

The deserted man was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly furious, his eyes were suddenly red, and he punched Li Zhen.

Li Zhen sneered coldly, as if what happened just now was normal, Li Zhen grabbed the fist from the ridiculous man, and then slapped the man on the head.

The man's eyes were splitting at this moment, and he quickly avoided, but Li Zhen was caught by Li Zhen.


The deserted man was furious, his figure suddenly soared to a height of three to five, and he opened his mouth to approach Li Zhen's hand.


Li Zhen frowned, and the power of more than 200 dragons instantly hit the desolate man.

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

"Let you see the power of my ancient royal family!"

As the man said, the muscles all over his body were violent, and he bombarded Li Zhen. The violent power and the fist wind that he brought up burst into the void.

Royal family, these people are actually royal family!

Li Zhen smiled faintly, Lao Tzu played the royal family!

Moreover, the competition between this person and him is definitely a ridiculous decision made by this person in his lifetime.

In terms of strength, Li Zhen so far has not found an existence that can compete with him.

The power of the avenue roars!

Before Li Zhen punched, the voice of Long Yin suddenly flashed in the void.


A high-pitched dragon roar shook everyone's eardrums.

"So strong!"

Everyone's pupils shrank suddenly, and this force reached at least one hundred elephants.

The man from the ancient royal family was dumbfounded when he heard the dragon chant, and the power of his fist became much smaller because of fear.


Seeing Li Zhen's fist getting bigger and bigger, the man hurriedly begged for mercy.


A terrifying aura suddenly approached here from a distance.

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