Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1094: Meet again

"That is... an ancient temple!"

Not long after they walked, they saw an ancient temple, which was extremely magnificent in the distance, with several corpses lying down inside.

This time, everyone didn't have to push back, everyone took a pair of armor and a storage ring.

And Li Zhen saw that kind of hairpin on every corpse.

"A few, this kind of hairpin is of great use to me, how about I exchange it with a few cheeky? But I won't let a few lose out, I will exchange it with a god-level spirit pill!"

Li Zhen said to several people.

Hearing that, Tie Wudi didn't say anything and lost it.

Although this thing is valuable, it only helps them to last one more day, and the value is definitely not as valuable as the god-level spirit pill.

Others also lost all together.

Xiang Yu took the Huang Ling Pill and looked at Li Zhen strangely, "Brother Li, even me, this kind of good thing is not easy to get, how did you get it?"

After asking, Xiang Yu suddenly realized that he had asked something that shouldn't be asked. Such a secret, if placed in the sect, would be an extremely precious secret.

Tie Wudi laughed when he heard the words, "Just hold it with peace of mind. Although Brother Li doesn't have a lot of this thing, he will never lack it!"

Seeing the doubts on their faces, Tie Wudi explained, "Brother Li is a god-level alchemist!"


Feng Shanxin who was drinking water sprayed out directly.


This time, almost everyone looked at Li Zhen blankly.

God-level alchemist?

Li Zhen turned out to be a god-level alchemist!

They have found a treasure.

With Li Zhen, their lives will be guaranteed the most!

At this moment, a group of people walked in unscrupulously.

Li Zhen and the others stared at it, but there were a few ridiculous people, they might have separated.

However, Huang Ren is like a fish in the water. Several people have obviously found enough benefits. A few people exude a terrifying aura. This aura is hardly under Chen Mei's birth.

"Ye Ruqing, Li Zhen!" After the ridiculous people came in, they immediately saw Xiang Yu and Li Zhen, and couldn't help but step back.

Then I realized that their cultivation level had also improved now, so there was no need to be afraid.

"Get out, here is ours!"

"Also, hand over everything you got, otherwise, don't blame us."

A few people, you said nothing, I did not put Li Zhen and others in their eyes.

Xiang Yu glanced at Li Zhen, and suddenly stepped out. The ridiculous man was torn apart by Xiang Yu before he could react.

"Wait a minute, Brother Xiang, collect the real blood, I'm useful!"

Li Zhen didn't have the slightest doubt about the fate of that ridiculous man. These idiots really thought that this place was full of ridiculous atmosphere, and they could act unscrupulously.

Li Zhen waved his hand, and all the true blood that had not yet been spilled flew towards the jade bottle in his hand.

"You..." The ridiculous people were scared and wanted to scold them, but they didn't dare.

It's impossible to say in my heart.

Their cultivation base was more than twice as strong as when they came in. They originally thought they would be able to beat Ruthless Night, but unexpectedly, they couldn't resist even Ye Ruthless move.

"You committed suicide, and then I emptied your true blood and buried you!"

Xiang Yu said domineeringly.

Take it for granted.

But what he said made several Huangren extremely frightened, and they knelt on the ground with a "poof".

"You don't want to?"

Seeing the appearance of several deserted people, Xiang Yu frowned and said coldly.

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