Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1096: Kill Wan Qiang

"Li Zhen!"

Before a few people approached, they saw Li Zhen standing at the gate of the palace and shouted out in shock.

Wan Qiang turned around even more scared and left.

Li Zhen stepped forward and stopped Wan Qiang in front.

"Li Zhen, you can't kill me!"

Wan Qiang was in horror, shouted in shock.

Li Zhen looked at him coldly, "Give me a reason not to kill you!"

Wan Qiang suddenly took out a sound transmission flute and said grimly: "I have stored your origins in this sound transmission flute. As long as I die, the contents of this sound transmission flute will tell everyone who comes here. people."

"If you are not afraid of things about the earth being exposed, you will kill me!"

Wan Qiang clenched his fists. As Shuiyue Jingtian's genius disciple, he was the pride of the sky, and he should be the trend-makers of this era, but because of Li Zhen's existence, all of this was taken away by Li Zhen.

He hates it!

If it were not for Li Zhen, everything that Li Zhen has now should belong to him.

The killing intent in Li Zhen's eyes suddenly bloomed. This person, for his own personal benefit, actually used billions of people on the earth as a bargaining chip.

Seeing the killing intent in Li Zhen's eyes, Wan Qiang's heart suddenly became happy.

It turned out that there are still things Li Zhen fears in this world.

Thinking of this, Wan Qiang suddenly laughed arrogantly.

"Hahaha, Li Zhen, aren't you very good? You have the ability to kill me!"

"Now, I order you to kneel down and be my slave|li, otherwise, I will tell this secret!"

Wan Qiang knew how dangerous it was. Now, if he could threaten Li Zhen to become a bodyguard, his safety would definitely improve a lot.

The other people were stunned!

They didn't expect this Wan Qiang to be so awesome, even the second strongest in the rankings would dare to threaten him.

Moreover, it seems that Li Zhen is really full of fear for this Wan Qiang.

"Kneel! I order you to kneel, did you hear it!" Wan Qiang looked at Li Zhen's expressionless face, and felt a little flustered, but at the thought of Li Zhen's identity, he calmed down.

"I made you kneel down, you..."

Seeing that Li Zhen didn't move, Wan Qiang became angry and took a step forward, stabbing Li Zhen with the sword in his hand.

Li Zhen is a god-level alchemist and a god-level refiner. He must have carried a lot of treasures on his body. If Li Zhen is disobedient, it would be good to kill him.

But the next moment, I saw Li Zhen stretch out a hand and gently clamped the divine sword he pierced.

Wan Qiang was flustered, and said inwardly, "Li Zhen, what do you want to do? Do you want everyone to know about it?"

Li Zhen looked at Wan Qiang coldly.

Bet the lives of billions of people on the planet to threaten others. Damn such a person!

Just when Wan Qiang was still arrogantly trying to threaten him, a terrifying mental power suddenly enveloped him!

"Li Zhen, do you want to..."

"Spiritual imprisonment!"

With a sword drawn, Wan Qiang had not reacted yet, his head had fallen to the ground.

Wan Qiang didn't understand until he died, why Li Zhen really dared to kill him.


The few people who came with Wan Qiang immediately knelt on the ground, begging for mercy: "Brother Li, this matter has nothing to do with me. We are just forming an alliance to enter the secret realm. The secret he said has never been told to us!"

Several people squatted their heads again and again, their eyes were full of panic, but they thought in their hearts that as long as they were safe, immediately turn on the sound transmission flute that Wan Qiang gave them.

When the **** Wan Qiang gave them the sound transmission flute, he first forced them to make a great oath, and must not give birth to any unruly killing thoughts towards Wan Qiang, and then gave this thing to them.

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