Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1098: General Tianhe

Several people embarked on the journey again.

There were quaint mountains on both sides of the road, and a desolate breath haunted them.

Suddenly, a feeling of extreme danger came suddenly.

Xiang Yu took a step forward, the halberd shook the sky, Fang Tian painted the halberd and cut it out, and the desolate beast that had struck was instantly killed.

Li Zhen quickly put it into the storage space.

This kind of wild beast has just died, and other people can't eat it directly, but after Li Zhen has swallowed the yellow breath of the wild beast, it can be eaten.

Moreover, the taste is extremely delicious.

In the past two days, in addition to devouring the fairy jade, relying on eating these wild beasts to increase the evolution point.

Li Zhen frowned. Could it be that the person said disaster is related to these wild beasts?

It doesn't look like it, because it's as powerful as the heavens, can't kill these wild beasts?

The more you move forward, the more obvious the traces of the war. Li Zhen and the others feel that it seems that they have come to ancient times. Even the most ancient immortal world, even the most ancient immortal world, has long been not repaired in this way.

In the distance, a group of mountains stands tall and majestic.

Not only that, but trees actually appeared in front of them, and a few people were happy. Is this wild environment about to disappear?

Going forward, getting closer, and far apart, I heard the roar of the beast, the sound of the eagle, and the roar of the sky, shocking the sky.

The rumbling sound came into their ears, and Li Zhen and the others felt a sharp pain in their hearts. Not only that, but also a buzzing sound came from their heads.

"Turn off God's Sense!"

Li Zhen quickly shouted.

Several people hurriedly shut down their divine consciousness, and their expressions looked better, but even so, the sound was still flowing into the ears uninterrupted, and it seemed that nothing could stop its transmission.

They walked forward slowly, no longer knowing where they were, looking around, this is a whole new world, and the way they came has disappeared.

"Where are we?"

Tie Wudi's whole body was tight, and said suspiciously.

"How do I feel that there is danger hidden in the unknown darkness?"

This guy, although his cultivation level is not top-notch, he is definitely not so courageous, he can see the harsh environment around him.

"Be careful, I'm ahead, and behind Brother Li, you three beware of the dangers on both sides." Xiang Yu raised Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand.

There is no such thing as an ancient atmosphere here, and this may be the only thing that makes them feel at ease.

"There are dead bodies!"

Xiang Yu said suddenly.

A few people walked over, and the next moment, they were dull, they hurried over, disturbing the surrounding airflow, the corpse suddenly turned into powder, and even the armor turned into powder.

Li Zhen was in pain, and the hairpin and storage ring disappeared!

"Two, look at what he wrote?"

This person died on the ground without any injuries. He wrote a few words on the ground with his hands, and half of a word was written.

Li Zhen looked at it, "I am the general Tianhe, commanding Tianhe..." The writing behind is gone. I don't know if it was erased or this person didn't write it at all.

"General Tianhe, what the hell? Don't write anything useful!" Tie Wudi said silently.

Li Zhen looked at Xiang Yu. He had never heard of General Tianhe.

Xiang Yu shook his head and motioned that he didn't know.

Several people walked forward for hundreds of miles, and Li Zhen suddenly motioned everyone to stop.

"Before we came in, we heard the roar of various beasts in the distance, but after we came in, after walking for hundreds of miles, why didn't we see a trace of the existence of beasts?"

Seeing the doubts on the faces of several people, Li Zhen whispered.

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