Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1111: Save people

Xiang Yu heard the loud noise, and then felt that the surrounding avenues became chaotic. Knowing that someone had exploded, he felt fortunate to have taken his life back.

The two stopped those who had not stepped in and awakened.

After these people woke up, they were still a little dazed. After they noticed the fluctuations of the familiar road, there was a little more sadness in their eyes.

After all, we have lived and died together for so long, and when I saw my comrades die like this, I naturally felt sad.

At this time, other people arrived, many people were covered with scars, and many of them were obviously irreversible.

Some people's faces were miserable, it was obvious that the same sect brothers failed to cross the Tianhe River and became the companions of the corpse guards.

Li Zhen was indifferent, this was what the trial had to go through, but seeing these people, after all, couldn't bear it, and immediately told the risks involved.

When those people heard the words, their eyes glistened and expressed their sincere gratitude to Li Zhen.

But some people were unhappy and insisted on stepping forward to take a look, saying that Li Zhen was lying to them and wanted to take the treasures in the fairyland as his own. Some people in the crowd had brilliant eyes and were obviously moved.

Li Zhen was not angry, but gave way.

In this way, those people dare not step forward.

"If you don't come, I'll come!"

The first to suspect Li Zhen, through the fairy fog, saw all kinds of rare treasures inside, and even saw that there were fairy artifacts just thrown outside the hall.

"The fairy mist is filled here, the ancient pavilion is silent, and the mountains are majestic in the distance. The peaks and valleys are beautiful. It must be a blessed land. Don't be scared by the danger ahead!"

On the way he came, his cultivation level had more than doubled, and he felt proud in his heart. He thought to say something to make Li Zhen disgusting, but seeing Li Zhen's gaze, he finally buried this idea in his heart.

Anxiously glanced again, confirming that there was really no danger inside, and the person walked towards the heaven.

Everyone stared at this person closely.

However, as soon as this person took a step, the person disappeared completely.

Everyone changed their looks and couldn't help taking a step back.

Those who listened to Li Zhen's persuasion, looked at Li Zhen's eyes even more gratefully.

There is definitely a great danger here.

The next moment, a scream came out from the fairy mist.

Everyone looked jealous, looking inside, their eyes were full of panic.

But what surprised Li Zhen happened, and a figure shot out from inside.

Surprisingly, it was the person who went in before.

Everyone hurriedly looked around, only to see that this person's cultivation base was still abolished, his face was miserable, and his eyes were lacklustre.

The few people who wanted to go in with him just now saw this scene, and their whole bodies trembled. If it were not for the critical moment, they had followed Li Zhen's persuasion. At this time, I am afraid that they were getting the same result.

"What the **** is inside?"

Someone asked.

Everyone's eyes were full of curiosity.

The man didn't speak, there was no life in his eyes.

The people around shook their heads, this person's cultivation was abolished, and he had lost the confidence to live.

Li Zhen stepped forward and threw an eight-pin pill to him. The man was taken aback for a moment, and then hurriedly put it in his mouth.

The people around were envious, Eight-Rank Spirit Pill, this kind of thing is more precious than anything here.

They wanted to **** it, but due to the prestige of Li Zhen and Xiang Yu, they forcefully suppressed this greed.

After a while, the person opened his eyes. Although his cultivation base was not fully recovered, his cultivation base was finally saved.

He looked at Li Zhen gratefully, and knelt on the ground with a "puff".

"Thank you, Brother Li, for saving my life for saving my life!"

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