Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1117: Hapless barren

Everyone looked at Li Zhen quietly, not understanding what Li Zhen was doing.

The next moment, seeing that piece of animal skin suddenly became violent, Li Zhen threw the animal skin out and into the fairy mist.



A loud noise was accompanied by a scream.

Li Zhen was stunned, and then he realized it instantly. Wouldn't it be such a coincidence?

The rest of the people were startled, and immediately reacted.

Sure enough, a burst of dense footsteps was gradually moving away.

Chen Meisheng looked at each other, and finally couldn't help but laughed exaggeratedly.

But another group of people saw a different point.

The animal skin that Li Zhen dropped just now is so powerful!

If Li Zhen wears a lot of such animal skins...

Thinking of this, those people couldn't help trembling all over, and made up their minds that they would never provoke Li Zhen in the future.

Li Zhen recovered his mental strength, and then slowly recalled the process of portraying the formation.

Then a piece of animal skin was laid down and portrayed again.

After a while, I saw Li Zhen violently throw the animal skin into the fairy mist.


This time, the power was even greater, and everyone around felt the trembling of the earth.

The expressions of those people changed rapidly. Could it be that Li Zhen was trying to achieve a powerful magic weapon?

Li Zhen was speechless. He clearly didn't make a mistake, and he avoided the last mistake, but why it just didn't work.

Li Zhen let go of the thoughts in his mind, and then recalled the process of refining and portraying just now.

Suddenly, Li Zhen's eyes lit up. He paid too much attention to the uniformity of mental power, but the formation was not a uniform thing. He needed more places and less places.

After thinking about this, Li Zhen laid a piece of animal skin again, and then painted it again.

After ten minutes, a piece of animal skin depicting the formation was completed.

Li Zhen threw it into the fairy fog.

At the next breath, those people were stunned.

The explosion in everyone's imagination did not appear, only the aura of the wild spirits suddenly gathered towards the piece of animal skin.


Li Zhen was excited and finally succeeded!

However, the road in front of him is still very long, because he still can't portray the formation so small, and the huge formation into such a small lamp is too fine.

Moreover, Li Zhen also saw the violent formation of this formation, and now he can only paint the formation on the skin of the animal.

The realm of these wild beasts is extremely high, and the animal skins are extremely tough. Only this can be used as a carrier to portray formations on it.

Li Zhen still couldn't arbitrarily portray the formation on anything.

This kind of thing, I'm afraid only a holy refiner can do it.

"Brother Li, this is..."

Xiang Yu's eyes lit up, and he admired Li Zhen's formation skills to the extreme.

But before Xiang Yu spoke again, a loud noise suddenly came from the fairy mist, and then a scream came out.

Li Zhen was surprised, couldn't help looking, just to see a shadow flying out.

When the shadow landed, everyone stared.

This person was surprisingly one of the dozen barren people who entered in front.

Li Zhen couldn't help being stunned. Are these ridiculous people here to make fun of them?

Although it is not clear why these deserted people can survive in the aura of the deserted spirit, it is conceivable that they will also have to pay a great price.

These ridiculous people must have seen Li Zhen made such a thing and wanted to seize it for themselves secretly, but they didn't expect that Li Zhen was afraid of waste and used the worst animal skins.

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