Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1134: Eighty percent

"Li Zhen is so strong!"

Those people looked at Li Zhen with surprise in their eyes.

The further behind, the greater the pressure, every step is as difficult as the sky.

However, Li Zhen's footsteps did not stop, but walked upward step by step. After stepping into the third floor, there was almost no breathing phenomenon, as if there was no pressure.

For Li Zhen, there is indeed no pressure on the third floor, because the third floor emits lightning and lightning.

"Could it be... only the first two floors will have coercion, and the third floor will be gone?"

When those people saw this scene, their faces were puzzled.

"Look, Ye Wuqing has also started the third layer."

The next moment, they were puzzled, because Xiang Yu sat down cross-legged as soon as he climbed to the third floor, looking extremely painful.

Seeing this scene, everyone looked at Li Zhen again, only to see that Li Zhen had easily climbed onto the third floor platform.

The statue on the third floor is already lit.

Li Zhen didn't like this third layer very much, because in the third layer, his strength had not improved except for a little bit of evolution.

Even Ray Dao couldn't get any improvement.

Seeing the appearance of Li Zhen and Xiang Yu, those people were shocked and confused!

They don't know who to trust?

Is there any pressure on this third layer?

Li Zhen didn't care about other people's thoughts. He came here with the sole purpose of becoming stronger and fighting for the future Holy Beast Realm and the earth.

After stepping on the fourth floor, an ancient mood suddenly struck, and Li Zhen even felt that his life span was being reduced indefinitely.

Li Zhen frowned, is this fourth floor the Avenue of Time?

Li Zhen ran the Great Road of Time to resist, but unfortunately, it had no effect.

He had no choice but to speed up the mountaineering, and his spirit and spirit became one, Li Zhen's momentum rose to the extreme, staring at the pressure from the stone statues on the mountain, Li Zhen walked upward step by step.

The terrifying momentum was overwhelmed, and a terrifying will rushed into Li Zhen's mind, as if he wanted to destroy his willpower.

Li Zhen was about to enter his teeth, and he discovered that although his life span was gradually passing by, he could still bear the reduction.

Moreover, he did not achieve nothing. In the process of confronting this momentum and terrifying will, his spiritual will became more and more powerful.


There was an explosion in the void, and Li Zhen stepped onto the fourth floor platform, and the stone statues on the fourth floor lit up.

And Li Zhen's control over the world of Godhead has reached 80%, and this number is steadily increasing.

This is really a place to train disciples for the Tiangong. Here, Li Zhen's cultivation level has more than doubled compared to when he came in.

"Li Zhen, really strong!"

The people watching below trembled and stared at Li Zhen tightly, wanting to see exactly what height he could reach.

At this time, Xiang Yu had already climbed to the third floor platform.

On the platform of the first layer, the three Chen Meisheng are about to challenge the second layer.

Except for five people, someone else finally climbed the mountain.

This person was amazingly Huashan, who was originally ranked eighth. This person didn't know when he would catch up. Together with him was Xiao Yun, the second son of the Xiao family.

But the pretentious Tao Ming stopped at the 99th step at this time.

Tao Ming looked up to the mountain and saw those people aloft, his mentality became unbalanced at this moment.

Suddenly, a terrifying coercion came...

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