Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1136: Sixth floor

Li Zhen and Xiang Yu are still somewhat different. Xiang Yu and others here have really improved their cultivation.

Li Zhenneng could feel that the space of the gods of the four Xiang Yu was expanding.

However, his promotion here is not actually called promotion, but to regain his strength.

Only when his control over the world of the Godhead was increased to 100%, after that, that was a real improvement.

Li Zhen returned to calm, and then resolutely stepped out to the sixth floor.

The moment he stepped into the sixth level, a terrifying force suddenly enveloped him, and almost instantly, his godhead world was sealed.

At the same time, a strong wind suddenly blew, not only that, but the surrounding wood roads were also extremely active.

These are... three avenues.

Li Zhen's eyes widened.

Almost at the moment when his godhead world was sealed, the void seemed to become static, and that terrifying force scraped Li Zhen up and threw it out abruptly.

Li Zhen's face changed, "The Way of Space!"

The space seemed to freeze, Li Zhen's body stabilized.

Cold sweat spread from his forehead. Fortunately, the world of Godhead was sealed, and the avenue he mastered was not sealed, otherwise, just now, he had been thrown out of the platform.

"The sixth floor is really scary!"

Even someone as terrifying as Li Zhen was almost thrown out. Those people's eyes widened. Is it possible for them to climb up?

These people don't know, they are destined to not climb the hill, because this place is to help the people of the heavens to temper the godhead space, and these people have not condensed the godhead.

Li Zhen stabilized his mind and worked hard to sense the existence of the godhead world.

But at this moment, the stone statue shined brightly, emitting a more terrifying breath.

At this moment, it seemed that all the coercion from the stone statues was aimed at him alone.

Even more frightening was that Li Zhen felt that the day was about to collapse, and several forces kept attacking him.

At this moment, Li Zhen felt that the stone statues seemed to be alive, as if the generals of the heavenly court were examining the soldiers underneath. The generals greeted him with cold eyebrows and shouted.

Not only that, but those stone statues still have the remnants of those generals' thoughts, and even retain some of their methods during their lifetime. At this moment, Li Zhen must be suppressed.

Li Zhen's eyes were firm, he knew how terrifying this layer was, completely different from before.

At this point, it is the real test, the previous ones are just appetizers.

Seeing this, Li Zhen couldn't help but gasped. The previous coercion was so terrible, it was not a real test.

I wonder if those people would become depressed if they knew this?

Li Zhen was no longer anxious to climb up, but closed his eyes and sat down cross-legged, carefully sensing the existence of the godhead world.

In my mind, those generals were still suppressing Li Zhen, and the unparalleled coercion came and dealt with Li Zhen.

Those generals are arrogant and arrogant, and every blow can show great power.

Li Zhen didn't have the slightest strength to fight back in front of them.

Although the generals didn't say anything, their eyes were full of disappointment for Li Zhen.

Li Zhen fought against those generals in his mind, while urging various roads, feeling the existence of the godhead world.

"Boy, do you know what to do if you are in a different world and can't realize the avenue of your own world?"

At this moment, the general who fought against Li Zhen suddenly spoke.

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