Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1146: Disgust in my heart

After Yu Jinze finished speaking, he looked at those people: "You guys, those old fools don't understand, don't you understand?"

"What is most important to us? Cultivation base."

"These old guys don't hold any good farts in their stomachs, so what are you guys doing?"

Yu Jinze said nonchalantly, not afraid that these words would be spread out.

"You are not an old monster yourself!"

The speaker was Yu Linglong, with dark skin, but he didn't feel abrupt, and seemed to give people a wild beauty.

Upon hearing Yu Linglong's words, the people around looked at each other.

Seeing Li Zhen’s doubts, Yu Jinze smiled faintly: “I was a human being on earth in my last life. I didn’t expect to become a person in the immortal world in my second life. But millions of years ago, everyone was a person in the same world, but now It's just separated, there is no need for such hostility between each other."

Hearing Yu Jinze's words, Li Zhen's eyes lit up.

"There is nothing to say. In my last life, on earth, I was a disciple of the Brahma Pavilion."

Brahma Pavilion?

Hearing this name, Li Zhen's heart trembled.

This is the school to which the principal Wen Tianye belongs.

However, I don't know why, Li Zhen didn't feel a trace of cordiality in this person. Instead, he felt a trace of disgust from the bottom of his heart. This disgust was born with him.

By way of example, they are all from the mortal world and should feel cordial, just like when he met Xiang Yu, the cordiality came from the bottom of his heart.

But from Kanazawa, Li Zhen didn't feel the slightest.

Li Zhen looked at Xiang Yu secretly, and he could tell at a glance that Xiang Yu also disliked this person very much. This kind of disgust cannot be concealed.

Although this looks very sunny and upright in Jinze, it gives Li Zhen the feeling that it is very gloomy.

"Fan Tian Pavilion? I have never heard of it. I am a member of the cat clan in the Holy Beast World." Li Zhen showed a cat shape.

The kitten was taken aback when seeing Li Zhen appearing in the shape of a cat, and then a pair of big eyes suddenly lit up, ran to Li Zhen and licked his tongue.

Seeing Li Zhen's appearance, those people were stunned.

Isn’t it rumored that Li Zhen is from the mortal world?

Who made this rumor?

Although there are cats in the mortal world, it is impossible for the resources of the mortal world to cultivate such a cat.

Yu Jinze glanced at Li Zhen in surprise, but another light showed through his eyes.

The kitten noticed it and couldn't help but shudder, then hid behind Li Zhen.

This kind of gaze is too familiar, and Zhao Yunhan also used this gaze when he saw it before.

Li Zhen appeared again and said coldly to Yu Jinze: "You'd better put away your thoughts, otherwise I don't mind even killing you!"

"Presumptuous, do you dare..."

Before the person finished speaking, Li Zhen waved his hand and the person disappeared before everyone's eyes.

Yu Jinze narrowed his eyes, his pupils shrank suddenly, and looked at Yu Linglong imperceptibly.

"Flying and Gougou generation!"

Xiang Yu sighed coldly and said.

"Sorry, Brother Li laughed. I really didn't expect such a genius to appear in the cat clan!"

Yu Jinze said, saying nothing about the person who disappeared.

What a low-hearted person!

Li Zhen curled his lips.

"Brother Li, this soldier's tomb is just to help people resist the demons. I think Brother Li's understanding of divine consciousness and Tao is not low. This is not very useful for Li Zhen. How about we go out of the next secret? "

Taking a faint look at this person, Li Zhen ignored him, but raised his feet and led Xiang Yu and the four into the tomb...

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