Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1148: Invite again

"How is this possible? The power of the thunder robbing inside is so terrifying that it takes five people to work together to offset the damage caused by the thunder thunder. How can he resist thunder thunder by himself?"

"Even if Brother Yu, Sister Yu and others joined forces, they couldn't hold on for a stick of incense inside. How could this kid do it? How did he do it?"

Everyone stared blankly at Li Zhen in Jie Lei, their eyes narrowed, their pupils frozen, and they couldn't believe what they saw in front of them.

"Brother Yu's vision is really sharp, and he can judge Li Zhen's extraordinaryness only by the few words he heard. Now I believe what Brother Yu said. Li Zhen will follow us. You will get more things, and your cultivation will be higher."

After these people were shocked, they were overjoyed.

Yu Jinze looked at Li Zhen in the soldier's grave and smiled lightly at the others, but Yu Linglong saw the deep fear from the bottom of her eyes.

"Ding, it is detected that the host Thunder Dao meets the evolution conditions, does it evolve (deduct 500 million evolution points)?"

I don't know how long it took before Li Zhen was awakened by the system sound.


Li Zhen muttered silently in his heart, and after a breath, he felt his understanding of Thunder Dao deeper and deeper.

Lei Dao finally increased to Strength +4, but it was also time for Li Zhen to leave, because the Thunder here could no longer increase Li Zhen's evolution point.

But at the moment Li Zhen stood up, he didn't know that those people in the fairy world were dumbfounded.

Seven days!

Li Zhen spent seven days in the thunder.

This is simply an unimaginable number.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never believe that anyone could stay in the thunder for seven days.

After seeing Li Zhen come out, the eyes of those people looking at Li Zhen changed.

Yu Jinze brought many people to Li Zhen.

Li Zhen frowned and looked at Yu Jinze, and asked faintly: "Something?"

"Brother Li, I'm here to invite Brother Li to the ancient ruins in front."

Yu Jinze showed a smile that he thought was handsome.

Li Zhen frowned slightly, "What's in the ancient ruins?"

Yu Jinze smiled faintly, not caring about Li Zhen's indifference, and replied: "Many, such as magic weapons, there is no refining technique that can refine magic weapons in the outside world. This kind of treasure is precious to the outside world, I think I will not introduce it. Brother Li should know."

"There are also artifacts. The artifacts mentioned are not the current artifacts, but the ancient artifacts, the god-level spirit pills, and many more. The artifacts possessed in the ancient ruins will definitely not disappoint you!"

As Yu Jinze said, the eyes of those around him had become feverish.

"It's fine if you go by yourself, why call me?"

With this kind of good thing, these people don't want to take it alone, but to contact everyone. The purpose is definitely not to distribute the treasures inside.

The purpose of Kanazawa is definitely not simple.

Hearing Li Zhen’s words, Yu Jinze smiled faintly, "Brother Li’s performance in front, I have calluses in my ears. I am not afraid of Li brother’s jokes. The ancient ruins are full of dangers. Strength is absolutely impossible to enter, and even if you enter, you will not get anything good."

"There are so many people and powerful. I not only invited Brother Li, but everyone here will go back. Don't worry, before we go in, we will make a soul vow and we will distribute the spoils to everyone who is doing it fairly and justly."

With that said, Yu Jinze pointed to those around him.

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