Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1159: Another magic weapon


A sound of dragon chants suddenly resounded throughout the space.

"this is……"

magic weapon!

There is nothing wrong with this fluctuation!

This helmet is a real magic weapon!

After understanding this, those people looked at Li Zhen nervously, wanting to see if Li Zhen could do it.

At this time, a phantom dragon appeared on the helmet.

"This cat, get out!"

The dragon phantom stared at Li Zhen angrily, the violent aura threatening the heavens.

It saw through Li Zhen's heels and said furiously.

"A broken helmet, dare to be crazy with the cat!"

The way of strength suddenly became the master, Li Zhen held the giant dragon phantom tightly and slammed it outward.


The dragon was smashed to the ground, and the whole mountain made a huge roar.

"I don't care how strong you are, in front of Lao Tzu, you have to be honest, otherwise don't blame me for wiping out your wisdom!"

Li Zhen said, his hands were sealed, and a terrifying sealing force suddenly appeared.

The look in the eyes of the dragon phantom changed.

At this time, Li Zhen finally felt that his great power could directly enter the helmet.


The dragon uttered a loud roar, and his face became extremely ugly.

Li Zhen lifted the kitten up, and then brought the helmet to the kitten's head. The little guy's mental power easily entered the helmet. The next moment, the helmet became a size suitable for the little guy.

"Really a magic weapon!"

The people looked ugly as the kitten put on the helmet. At this moment, everyone's eyes looked at the helmet changed.


The little guy looked at some of those people contemptuously, and then made the helmet invisible. It looked as if the whole disappeared.

This is... an invisible helmet?

Li Zhen was speechless, took out the helmet of the Tiangong guard and threw it in that position.

At this moment, those people looked at Li Zhen, their eyes changing rapidly.

Li Zhen didn't seem to see it, "Let's go!"

Li Zhen said, and several people immediately walked forward.

"let's go!"

A gleam in Yu Linglong's beautiful eyes quickly said.

All the people looked at Tian Gu Yun and them one after another, Tian Gu Yun said: "Follow them!"

Li Zhen and the others are too demon, especially this Li Zhen, who actually surrendered even magic weapons. This kind of thing has never happened in the fairy world for thousands or even tens of thousands of years.


Everyone followed closely.

The kitten stood on Li Zhen's shoulders and looked at the people behind him with awe-inspiring amber eyes, full of contempt.

That appearance seems to say: "A bunch of trash, you are not as good as my cat!"

Seeing the kitten's appearance, the faces of those behind him were different.

Ahead, on the mountainside, a spear was standing there, around it, some weapons were standing there, faintly respecting the spear.

"magic weapon!"

At this moment, almost everyone saw it.

"Brother Xiang, don't you change one?"

Li Zhen looked at the spear behind Xiang Yu.


That long spear actually sent out a begging consciousness.

Li Zhen was taken aback. He didn't expect that Xiang Yu's spear was also an extraordinary product. Although it had not been promoted to a magic weapon, it was quite spiritual, and it would be a matter of time before it evolved into a magic weapon.

Xiang Yu touched the spear lightly, and said, "Don't worry, I'll wait for you to grow up!"

"The spear is to kill Dao, and it fits well with the kindness of the wind."

Xiang Yu said with a smile.

But Feng was kind, and the moment he saw that gun, his eyes could no longer come out.

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