Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1162: Peerless magic weapon

Although the spirits yelled at each ‘little girl’, Tian Gu Yun was still excited when he saw such a powerful magic weapon taking the initiative to choose the master.

This magic weapon is definitely the most powerful one in the secret realm of the entire Sky Feather Dynasty.

The moment Tianguyun held the golden mace in his hand, the whole person's temperament changed. At this moment, his cultivation base had faint signs of breaking through the fairy king realm.

Seeing this scene, the people in Tiangu Holy Land were overjoyed, while the eyes of those around who looked at Tian Guyun changed.

Tian Gu Yun also seemed to feel the coveting and fear of the people around him for the golden mace in his hand.

"Everyone, I will withdraw from the next treasure hunt, I will leave now!"

Although Tiangu Sacred Land is powerful, he does not have the courage of Li Zhen to face so many people at the same time.

"It's really a good magic weapon. Now that you have a tool spirit, you can go one step further and become a legendary artifact? Look at this, it's coming soon, Tian Gu Yun, you are lucky!"

Li Zhen said lightly.

Hearing Li Zhen's words, the eyes of those surrounding him flashed, and their gazes toward Tian Gu Yun changed.

Li Zhen smiled faintly.

This is a shame.

He is not talking nonsense, this golden mace has already given birth to its spirit, and it is only one step away from becoming a real artifact.

Once this golden mace becomes a real artifact, its value will be immeasurable.

Listening to Xiang Yu, whether a top school can become a sacred place is to see whether the school has an artifact of the town!

The purpose of those people from Jiejiao and other sects of the Immortal Realm who came here is most likely to get a peerless magic weapon, which will be cultivated as a divine weapon after returning. Now that the peerless magic weapon is in front of his eyes, Li Zhen does not believe these people will let the ancient charm of the sky. go away!

"Brother Tiangu, let me have a look at the golden mace, how about? Don't worry, I will return it to Brother Tiangu!"

Yu Jinze took the lead to speak, and those people who had cut the teaching also faintly spread out, blocking the way of those people in the ancient holy land.

Although the secret in Li Zhen's head is very important, no matter how precious the secret is, it is not as precious as this peerless magic weapon.

With this magic weapon, let them exit the True King Secret Realm now.

As long as you have this magic weapon, go back to the martial art, not to mention that the martial art can be promoted to the Holy Land, just say them, they will definitely be successful true disciple training.

A disciple like Yu Jinze may even be cultivated as a master disciple.

They can't refuse such a temptation.

He was not the only one who had the same idea as Yu Jinze, but the others also thought about it, and their gazes towards Tian Gu Yun completely changed.

"Everyone, what do you want to do? We agreed in advance that whoever gets the treasure will own it."

Tian Gu Yun held the golden mace and looked at these people coldly, asking him to give up the golden mace, absolutely impossible.

"There are many treasures in this secret realm, and you have many opportunities, do you want to be an enemy of my ancient holy place for a magic weapon?"

"I believe Li Zhen is willing to help you get a magic weapon!"

Seeing Tian Gu Yun at this time, he did not forget to draw the flames of war on him. Li Zhen, who originally wanted to watch from the wall, waved his hand.

A lot of fake magic weapons around came into the hands of those people instantly.

Everyone is sluggish!

So simple?

And seeing the Tian Gu Yun in this scene, his face changed!

He knows that a big battle is inevitable!

"Everyone, there are many such things, but..." Li Zhen said, pointing to the golden mace in the hands of Tian Gu Yun, and said, "There may be only one artifact from the town!"

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