Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1182: Li Zhen VS Yu Jinze 1

Yu Jinze couldn't wait to kill Li Zhen immediately, but Li Zhen at this time was too strong.

Not only Li Zhen, but even Ye Wuqing's strength has obviously improved several levels.

"What benefit did they get in the hall?"

Yu Jinze clenched his fists, his heart was filled with jealousy.


Why can Li Zhen get these benefits?

Kill Li Zhen!

As everyone knows, Li Zhen also had a murderous intent towards Kanazawa.

In an instant, Li Zhen slammed into Yu Jinze's body, blasting the past with a sword.

Yu Jinze didn't dare to show weakness, and replaced the previous **** soldiers, both of them were indomitable, and the momentum contained violent power.

Almost in an instant, the two of them fought hundreds of moves, and the violent force caused the surrounding void to collapse one after another.

Feeling the terrifying power from the magic soldiers, Yu Jinze's face flushed. He didn't understand why Li Zhen looked so thin and weak, but he could explode with such terrifying power.

"This time, he must be killed, otherwise it will be a big trouble!"

Yu Jinze looked at the figure of Li Zhen who was killed in front of him, and his expression flashed a firmness. The master told him before he came that their realm is already the most peak realm, and may still be the most prosperous realm.

This is true in every period, from prosperity to decline.

Those who will compete with him in the future will definitely be these people in the secret realm now.

Tian Gu Yun, although born in a holy place, is too arrogant and hard to become a master.

Yu Linglong is very strong and difficult to deal with, but her structure is too small, and she sticks to the foundation of interpretation and teaching, there is no problem, but it is difficult to make interpretation and teaching to a higher level.

There are also a few big disciples of the forces, which are worth noting, but the feeling that these people give to Jin Ze is not as good as Li Zhen.

Li Zhen is too demon.

People who are scheming and have no integrity are the most difficult to deal with.

In Jinze's view, in this world, the younger generation, who can compare with him, can only be seen by Li Zhen.

Li Zhen didn't know that Yu Jinze had such a rich inner drama in his heart. In his opinion, Yu Jinze stayed here, just looking for death.

By mobilizing the power in the world of Godhead, Li Zhen's avenue increase was almost five times.

The power of the whole body gathered on the fist, and that terrifying power instantly poured out towards Yu Jinze.

Yu Jinze greeted him with the same punch, and at the moment they touched the two punches, Yu Jinze's face changed drastically, and his body moved backwards quickly, but how could Li Zhen let him get out of the ring so easily.

Another punch hit the past, and the terrifying force made Yu Kanazawa's whole body tremble.

With his eyes widened, Yu Jinze couldn't believe that there were people in this world who had such a powerful and terrifying power.


Yu Jinze flew out.

Since Li Zhen decided to kill Yu Jinze, how could he allow him to escape?

"Void escape technique!"

When he appeared again, he had already reached Yu Jinze's side, and Yu Jinze was horrified. He pinched the tactics with both hands, and a shield formed by the power of the avenue stood in front of him.

At the same time, he turned around and fled without hesitation.

Yu Jinze's consciousness has been watching Li Zhen closely.

The next moment, he saw a scene that made him extremely frightened, that magic shield, when Li Zhen's fist struck it, did not play a blocking role at all, and it collapsed when touched.


Li Zhen's fist was unabated, and he slammed Yu Jinze's back.

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