Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1186: Superb acting

Yu Jinze looked at these people angrily at this time.

So the suspicious array?

Seduce you?

I seduce you|Uncle!

Li Zhen secretly praised Ye Feng's head! Send a message to Xiang Yu and others, try to kill as little as possible the disciples of the interception teaching, it is best to look extremely fierce, but no casualties.

Xiang Yu and the others were able to see through, the kitten was the most exaggerated, the operation was as fierce as a tiger, but the terrifying attack did not even stand by the side of the disciples.

The exaggerated acting skills and exaggerated expressions make people know that they are fake at first glance, but the kitten seems to have not seen it, still performing selflessly.

When Li Zhen attacked Jinze, he clearly went all out, but did not hit Yu Jinze. In fact, the invisible mental attacks hit Yu Jinze one after another, making Yu Jinze look depressed. Blood was sprayed in the mouth.

When those people saw this scene, their faces became dark.

Mad, can your performance be more fake?

Just look at Jinze. Li Zhen's punch looked fierce, but it wiped your chest. Why did you throw up so much blood?

As far as your performance level is, it's extremely rubbish.

There is also that cat, whose brains are not very good. At least other people's performances are like that. But monsters are monsters. They can't even perform basic performances. They only know that they have bombarded the ground next to them for so long. I turned it over several times, but it didn't hit the disciple of Jiu Jiao.

If it was not arranged by Li Zhen, they would write the name upside down!

Li Zhen was depressed when he saw the cat's flamboyant acting skills. He secretly told the cat to learn from him and instructed the cat how to perform bit by bit.

The kitten is really a good boy, and he will be able to teach him once. Only then did he realize that his performance just now was really bad.

Carefully glanced at those people, and as expected, saw the disbelief in those people's eyes, and the kitten immediately reviewed it deeply and showed what Li Zhen taught him.

The next moment, it looked decent.

But as everyone knows, after seeing this scene by those people, they sneered directly.

Do you see it? Li Zhen glanced at them and immediately reminded the kitten that the kitten would look at them subconsciously, and then knew that he had performed too much, so he corrected it, but it was too late.

At this moment, even Yu Linglong, who had an alliance with Li Zhen, ‘seeed’ that Li Zhen and the others were performing.

Seeing the eyes of those around him, he knew what they were thinking, and Yu Jinze almost lost his breath.

Mad, is he really vomiting blood?

Perform, perform you|Mom a ball!

He wanted to take a soul oath and tell these people that he was really crushed by Li Zhen, but Li Zhen's offensive was too fierce, and he didn't even have a chance to speak.

"Tian Gu Yun, you trash, you are so special, I am going to kill you now, don't hurry up and die!"

Li Zhen shouted at Tian Gu Yun.

At the same time, the fierce fist rubbed Yu Jinze's scalp and passed, and his mental power turned into an invisible spirit sword, breaking through Yu Jinze's mental defense, and a sword pierced in.


Yu Jinze sprayed blood, his face turned pale and his eyes were dim.

No, it must not go on like this.

If this continues, he will undoubtedly die!

Li Zhen's strength is already above him, if it weren't for his life-saving means, I'm afraid he would have been killed at this time.

Not only him, but the other disciples of Jiediao were also crushed and beaten by Li Zhen and the others.

You know, they add up to fifty or sixty people, while Li Zhen and the others add the cat, but only seven.

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