Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1190: Brother Yu, stop acting

"It's Li Zhen and Yu Jinze, who finally caught up with them!"

"Yu Jinze is so miserable! All the disciples of Jiediao have been killed, and now, even he is surrounded by Li Zhen and others."

"Brother, what should I do?"

Yu Jinze tried desperately, and the **** Li Zhen really wanted to kill him.

Seeing the people around him, his heart was full of anxiety.

Whether it was Li Zhen or the people around, they wanted to put him to death.

After all, the interception of education threatens the interests of some people to a certain extent.


Madder, Li Zhen is not a good thing. He did it by himself. It's a big deal to use those life-saving methods. As long as these people can be killed, everything is worth it.

At this time, Tian Gu Yun, Ye Feng, the Fei Xinghai from the cultivation world, and the Qiongqi from the holy beast world all walked out more and more.

"Brother Yu, why is it so miserable? Do you want us to help?"

Tian Gu Yun shouted jokingly.

Yu Jinze looked angry, but said: "Okay, Sister Tiangu, come on!"

Hearing Yu Jinze's words, Tian Guyun's face suddenly fell.

The spirit of the golden mace, the old man said that he didn't know who passed it out, and now the elegant name of Tianguyun is known throughout the secret realm.

Since Li Zhen couldn't cooperate, he had to look for Yu Linglong, but Yu Jinze found no trace of Yu Linglong in the crowd. He immediately understood that since these people had taken action against him, how could he let Yu Linglong go?

Hearing Yu Jinze's words, the people in the ancient holy land clenched their fists in anger, while the others gloated at these people in the ancient holy land.

"Sister Tiangu? That's a good name, isn't it the younger ones?"

The Qiongqi of the Holy Beast Realm didn't have so many taboos, and said directly mockingly.

"Qingqi, do you want to die?"

Tian Gu Yun heard this, furious, and roared.

"Everyone, we are here to watch the excitement, what are you doing?" Ye Feng immediately persuaded him to make peace.


Those disciples in Tiangu Sacred Land could hold back the anger, but the Qinqi clan was not a good temper. Qungqi's temper was notoriously bad in the Holy Beast World. Hearing Tianguyun's words, it boiled directly.

"Tian Gu Yun, what do you mean?"

The leader Qin Wuji roared angrily, and those Qiong Qi behind him also glared at the disciples in the Heavenly Ancient Holy Land.

"What do you mean? You want to die? Want me to say it again?"

Tian Gu Yun is not a good-tempered person either. As a disciple of the Holy Land, he originally considered himself superior to beings in other worlds. Seeing this persistence in form, I even thought it was a manifestation of incivilization.

After chasing along the way, this group is simply a **** stick, and has had conflicts with people from various forces, and now, all of them are on fire.

Had it not been for Ye Feng's persuasion, Tian Gu Yun would have killed these beasts long ago.

"Made, humans deserve to die! Little ones, kill!"

Li Zhen, who was bombarding Yu Jinze, saw this scene and was a little stunned. Why did the Qiongqi clan fight Tian Gu Yun and the others?

"Brother Yu, stop acting, kill those bastards!"

Li Zhen shouted loudly, and then killed the Ye family.


Yu Jinze spouted blood, which was **** off by Li Zhen.

Mad, this **** wants him to stand on the opposite side of the Ye family!

Sure enough, when he heard Li Zhen's words, the Ye Family's eyes looked at him changed.

This **** must be deliberate!

At this moment, Yu Jinze understood!

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