Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1203: Li family exposed

"who are you?"

Those people stopped, looked at Li Zhen with fear, and breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Li Zhen's aura.

At this time, Li Zhen suppressed his cultivation base at the eighth rank.

"What do you want us to do?"

Those people looked at Li Zhen contemptuously, their voices changed, and their faces looked arrogant.

Zhu Yun frowned, trying to teach these people how to behave with a slap, but was secretly stopped by Li Zhen.

"Friends, where are you going?"

Li Zhen looked at these people with a smile, with a flattering expression on his face.

Seeing Li Zhen's appearance, those people became even more contemptuous.

"Aren't you asking knowingly? Of course you rushed to Li's house!"

"These two brats are also really courageous. At the beginning of the eighth rank, two people dared to cross here and rush to the Li family. You really don't know how to write the word death!

The person who said this looked down upon Li Zhen, as if in his eyes, Li Zhen was just a mortal.

Li Zhen was a little speechless, this guy was only at the pinnacle of the eighth rank, what right did he have to look down on him?

But I heard this person mention the Li family...

There was a thud in Li Zhen's heart, and a bad premonition suddenly appeared.

Something happened to the Li family.

The Li family connects the cultivation world and the mortal world. If something happens to the Li family, it means that something will happen to the mortal world.

Zhu Yunshou knew about the Li family. Hearing what these people said, he looked at Li Zhen and frowned.

"What happened to the Li family?"

Zhu Yun asked lightly.

When those people heard this, they looked at Li Zhen in surprise.

"Are you going to Li's house on earth? We..."

Before the man had finished speaking, he was stopped by the person next to him.

The man looked at Li Zhen indifferently, and said coldly: "It's okay, you continue to be here, don't follow us."

Li Zhen smiled faintly: "Don't reject people thousands of miles away like this, say it, I can spare your life!"

Li Zhen no longer had the patience to continue the conversation, and grabbed the headed person.

When the leader heard Li Zhen's words, he just wanted to scold him, he was lifted up by Li Zhen and slammed into the ground.


With a loud noise, the man was planted upside down and planted in the ground. Obviously, he couldn't die anymore!

Li Zhen smiled and looked at the group of people, but his smile looked like a devil's smile in their eyes.

"Brothers, there are only two of them, let's go and kill him! Go..."


The man was interrupted by Li Zhen's slap before he finished speaking. In an instant, the man's head was smashed to pieces like a watermelon.

The blood splashed out, splashing the person next to that person.

But no one dared to wipe them, and they all looked at Li Zhen blankly, their eyes full of horror.

"Now, can you tell me? I repeat, you only have one chance. If you don't cherish it, I will send you to the West to meet the Buddha."

"I am a person who always said to do it, you must believe me!"

Li Zhen said faintly, but what he said made those people shudder.

"I said, we said!"

Just as Li Zhen waited impatiently and raised his hands, the people knelt on the ground instantly, and a smell of urine came out.

Li Zhen listened to those people and his face became more and more ugly.

"Wan Qiang!"

It really is this king|Bad!

This person still passed the Li family's affairs.

Li Zhen clenched his fists. If it wasn't for Wan Qiang's death, he still wanted to pull Wan Qiang out and kill him again.

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