Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1230: Proud Alchemy

Dan Court.

The owner is making arrangements in an orderly manner.

"Get me moving, don't be too slow, Lord Pavilion is coming soon, how are you like this?"

"I tell you, after the Lord Pavilion comes, you will definitely be crowded outside. You have contacted the city guards and asked them to come and maintain order!"


"But they said they might not need them to maintain order!"

The guy didn't say the latter words, he was afraid that the owner would be unhappy!

"Just arrange it and give them ten spirit stones. These days, without money, it is absolutely impossible to let people do things!"

"Also, the arrangement of the venue is not very good, but it barely passed the test. I have to criticize you for this. If it is still like this next time, you don't have to do it here. Go home!"

The shopkeeper said coldly, and all the people below trembled.

And some guys looked at the shopkeeper, hesitant to speak, and wanted to tell the shopkeeper about the Baicaotang yesterday.

The shopkeeper was bored in the shop yesterday, busy with today's affairs, and did not hear about the Baicaotang yesterday.

But I was afraid that the owner would fire him, and finally sighed slightly. Look, maybe the owner is famous enough, and there will be a lot of people here today.


There was a hum in the void.

A carriage appeared overhead, but it was not a horse pulling a carriage, but a dozen unicorns of the Great Realm.

The horseman who drives a car is even a master of the fairy king realm!

"It's the pavilion lord here! It's all cheering up Lao Tzu!"

"Let’s announce the news, the head hasn’t come yet, it seems that something has been delayed! The pavilion master is here, you go and tell them, come one minute late and you won’t use it in the future!"

"Owner, all the big sects are here!"

But they were all sent by the elders, and neither the head nor the deputy heads seemed to come!

There was a groan in the man's heart, and the worries in his heart might have come true.

With Li Dandi, their pavilion master is not so popular!

"Here?" The shopkeeper snorted coldly. This year these **** are so inactive, thinking that if there is a god-level alchemist in Bai Caotang, can they ignore their pill pavilion?

It seems that in the future, the proportion of spirit pills sold to each faction will have to be adjusted down.

"How are you preparing?"

Zhang Tianyao walked in with an arrogant expression on his face. After seeing the admiring eyes of the guy in the store, it looked better.

"Pavilion Master, everything is ready, you are here, let's start!"

The owner immediately said flatly.

"Okay, let's start, tell them, I may refine one more furnace every day this month." Zhang Tianyao said lightly.

"What? Refining one more furnace? Pavilion Master, you are really...too compassionate to the common people. Now, these sect people are going to squeeze their heads again! But I suggest, Pavilion Master, our ratio should be appropriate. Adjust the ground a little bit higher, otherwise, if you are so laborious and laborious, it would be too cheap for those people!"

The shop owner immediately said flatly, in that way, it was as if Zhang Tianyao had really done a great thing to benefit the people.

Hearing this, Zhang Tianyao smiled proudly and nodded, "Let's start!"

The shopkeeper immediately winked at the guys, "Start, let all the heads come in!"

Those guys didn't dare to neglect, and immediately opened the door of Dan Pavilion.


A group of people squeezed in immediately!

Seeing this scene, Zhang Tianyao frowned and said angrily: "What's the matter? Who is making the trouble? Be quiet, delay the old man's alchemist, and drive out!"

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