Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1232: Embarrassed alchemy

"What? No one wants to refine a god-level spirit pill?"

The owner's face changed, and Zhang Tianyao's face was even harder to see the extreme.

He shouted at all times, but none of these people have come out to grab this spot. Is this a silent protest against their Dange?

"I have a superb spirit stone!"

Elder Zhao shouted loudly.

Finally eased the embarrassment!

Hearing someone shouting the price, the shopkeeper's expression slowed down, "Elder Zhao bid for a top-quality spiritual stone, is there still a bid? If not, this time the quota will belong to Elder Zhao!"

Those people are all bowing their heads, and if you call you, we shall not hear it!

It's not that they don't want to refine, but that there is indeed no elixir!

Those who have been refining the god-level elixirs for enough years are all top-quality elixir. Although the world of comprehension is rich, it is not possible to collect such top-quality elixir casually!

The shopkeeper shouted again seven or eight times, looking at those people, his face changed.

Not only him, Zhang Tianyao's brows also frowned.

Did these people discuss beforehand?

Zhang Tianyao snorted coldly. These people really thought they were careful, can't he guess?

In this case, he has a way to deal with these people!

Anyway, alchemy, failure in refining is normal.

Maybe he will fail the refining this time!

Zhang Tianyao has already thought about the process of this refining failure.

"Well, since there is no bidding, it proves that other schools don't want to refine spirit pills. That's good. Refining this time today, next time, it depends on your mood!"

Zhang Tianyao said coldly.

Hearing what Zhang Tianyao said, the elders of those sects all lowered their heads, and if you said yours, we would not have heard it.

They originally planned to come this time, and they won't come tomorrow.

Hurry up to collect the elixir, and when you have enough, come to Lord Alchemy to refine the elixir. By the way, collect some heavenly materials and rare metals. I didn’t expect Lord Alchemy to be a god-level refiner!

This is all right, although Lord Dandi said that his refining success rate is not high, but it is also much higher than those refining sects in Donghuang!

"Well, today's quota belongs to Elder Zhao! Please come back, everyone!"

The shopkeeper's face was very ugly, and he had already opened his mouth.

Where are those people willing to go? This spirit pill, they all have a share.

They still have to stay here. If the refining is really successful, they still need to discuss how to distribute this god-level spirit pill!

Seeing those people refused to leave, the shop owner, one of these people, was unwilling, snorted coldly, and said to Elder Zhao: "Elder Zhao, your elixir!"

Elder Zhao hurried forward and handed out the elixir.

The shopkeeper took it over and even dived into the storage bag, his face suddenly became even more unsightly.

"Elder Zhao, are you kidding me?"

Although Elder Zhao is a strong man in the late stage of the Immortal King, the owner is just a great emperor, but when the owner faces Elder Zhao, he unscrupulously scolds him without leaving any affection!

"What do you mean?"

Elder Zhao frowned and his face was very ugly. He was also a high-ranking elder in the door, and his cultivation base was much higher than the shopkeeper in front of him. If he had been in the past, there was a fire in his heart, he would definitely be holding back. But now in front of so many people, being so unscrupulously scolded by a great emperor, the fire in his heart came up.

"You don't know the rules of our alchemist, don't you? You should prepare at least ten copies of the elixir. You only have one in it. Are you trying to break our rules?"

The shopkeeper's face was green, and he stared at Elder Zhao angrily...

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